What is Shiba Inu’s metaverse project known as?

February 01, 2022 04:48 PM AEDT | By Jasmine Anand
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  • Developers of the SHIB token have shared a glimpse of their Metaverse project, calling it the 'Shiberse'.
  • Marked by extremely rich and professional graphics, Shiba Inu’s virtual universe aims to give an immersive experience to the users.
  • The announcement has sparked huge excitement among its investors and has brought a ray of hope amid the market downturn.

The SHIB token is the latest crypto which is all set to make its debut in the Metaverse. Its developers have announced their plans of creating their own Metaverse, i.e., the Shiberse.

cryptocurrency, Shiba Inu, Metaverse

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media®

A sneak peek into the SHIB Metaverse

A teaser of its new Metaverse project, called the ‘Shiberse', was shared by SHIB's developers, giving a glimpse of its virtual universe.

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The image features a Shiba Inu dog with a hammer in its teeth in a digitally created forest background.

Well detailed with trees and foliage, SHIB’s virtual universe seems like Sony or Ubisoft’s AAA videogame.

This new project marked with chic graphics aims to offer a mesmerising adventure experience to its users.

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More details about the Shiberse will be revealed soon by its creators.

It is pointed out that Shytoshi Kusama, the lead developer of Shiba Inu, had been giving hints to the investors for this development for almost a week, which has now become official.

What Is Shiba Inu’s Metaverse Project Known As ?

Shiberse draws positive feedback from its admirers

The said announcement has been welcomed by the ShibArmy, i.e., the Shiba Inu community, hoping it to uplift the meme token’s value, which otherwise is experiencing a market downturn right now.

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The news is generating a lot of buzz on the internet, with various social media platforms sharing Shiba Inu’s latest update and speculating how its upcoming Metaverse will turn the coin’s fortunes around.

More developments on the way

Developers behind this canine-based digital currency are working on creating DAO, i.e., a decentralised autonomous organisation.

This would provide its investors with the ability to vote on numerous Shiba Inu projects and $BONE, which will be a method for distributing awards.

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Bottom Line

The launch of the Shiberse is likely to give a boost to Shiba Inu’s value, thereby providing more utility for the digital asset.


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