How to manage your anger 

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 How to manage your anger 
Image source: thodonal88,Shutterstock


  • Anger is a normal human response to threat, which allows us to fight back in challenging situations.
  • But it’s necessary to deal with your anger in a positive way as it helps you to work through problems and issues.
  • Hiding anger or uncontrolled anger can take a toll on your mental and physical health.
  • The objective of anger management is to learn signs that triggers your anger emotions and taking actions to deal with the situation.

Anger is a natural feeling and even a healthy emotion, but it’s necessary to deal with your anger in positive way as it helps you to work through problems and issues.  Like other human emotions, anger is accompanied by physiological and biological changes.

Hiding anger or uncontrolled anger can take a toll on your mental and physical health, which can lead to outbursts, aggression, physical altercation or create problems in the overall quality of your life. You may not control your anger and blame others for your problems even though it is not their fault, which is known as displaced anger.

 When you get angry your blood pressure and heart rate go up, as well as adrenaline, noradrenaline and other energy hormones increases. You may talk to someone or regularly do workout to relieve muscle tension and reduce irritation and restlessness. Uncontrolled anger may grow until you recognize and dealt with them and hiding anger mat also cause other problems such as depression or physical illness. 

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What is Anger Management?

Anger is an adaptive response to threat which enables us to fight back. A certain amount of anger is necessary for the survival and expressing ourselves. 

The objective of anger management is to learn recognizing signs that triggers your anger emotions and taking actions to deal with the situation in a productive and positive way. It uses various techniques to help you deal with your feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

Anger Management does not encourage you to hold on anger but make you learn how to express it appropriately. It is also necessary to avoid doing or saying something that you may regret. You may learn anger management by reading appropriate books or using other resources. However, for effective approach many people take see a mental health professional or take an anger management classes.

Anger is an adaptive response to threat which enables us to fight back. A certain amount of anger is necessary for the survival and expressing ourselves. 

Source: Copyright © 2021 Kalkine Media

Sign that you need to learn anger management

  • Constantly feeling impatient, irritated and hostile
  • Feeling that you need to hold your anger
  • Thinking negatively and focusing on negative experience
  • Physical violence and unhealthy relationships
  • Frequent arguments
  • Threats of violence against people and property
  • Frightening or out-of control behavior.

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How to Manage your Anger?

  • Identify Trigger

If you frequently lose your temper very often, start taking notes of things that triggers your anger as it helps you plan accordingly. You may plan your day to help you manage stress better or may learn anger management to cope up with the situations that you usually find distressing.

  • Expressing concern

One should avoid reacting when angry. As soon as you are calm and you feel you can think clearly, express your concerns in an assertive but non-confrontational way, clearly and directly without hurting others, physically as well as verbally and mentally.

  • Workout regularly

Regular workout helps in managing stress that can cause you to become angry and it relieve muscle tension and reduce irritation and restlessness.

  • Take short breaks

Taking short breaks during the day tend to release your stress and may help you feel better prepared to deal with problems without getting angry.

  • Step Away

Don’t try to win an argument and remove yourself from the situation. If the conversation get intense take a break as it can help you clam your mind and body. You can’t have an effective conversation or resolve conflict if you feel upset.

  • Don’t hold a grudge

Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. If you can’t deal with your anger and other negative feeling, it may overcome your positive feeling and you might find yourself swallowed into your own sense of injustice and bitterness.

  • Express yourself

Talk to a friend who may help you and express your feelings and issues. Make sure that you are working on developing a solution or reducing your anger.

  • Manage your Thoughts

Thinking negatively increases frustration, instead thinking positive can help you deal with your anger and stay calm. Repeat something to drown out the thoughts that fuel your anger. Journaling can help you achieve that.

  • Focus on Relaxation

There are various ways to relax your mind. Exercises can help you deal with your anger. So you need to find out what works best for you. The two most common relaxation exercises to reduce tension are breathing exercise and progressive muscle relaxation.

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The Bottom Line

Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone express to protect ourselves from threat. However, if your anger gets out of control or turns into aggression or outburst you need to find different healthy ways to overcome anger.

If these tips don’t help, seek help from your doctor. A mental health specialist or therapist can help to learn various anger management techniques that may contribute to anger and other emotional issues.


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