Going for Christmas shopping? Keep these tips in mind!

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 Going for Christmas shopping? Keep these tips in mind!
Image source: pexel


  • As you go out to the fancy store to buy all items from your wish list, keep in mind you should not be purchasing from just any store.
  • Do a bit of research before ignorantly contributing to inhumanity.
  • Have your purchases done from ethical, sustainable, body inclusive and authentic brands.

So, that time of the year is about to knock on your door. While everyone prepares for Christmas, in no time Christmas Eve will be on the doorstep. It’s the time of the year, when people forget about their budgets and spend heftily to enjoy the most awaited season with their loved ones.

Similarly, brands look forward to the season. The craze starts from the Black Friday sale and goes till New Years’ eve. So, more than a month for shopping and treating.

But, as you go out to the fancy store to buy the items from your wish list, keep in mind you should not be purchasing from just any store. There are thousands of brands available in the market, but you need to pick and choose your brand.

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So, what are the things one should keep in mind while going for Christmas Shopping this festive season?

  • Body inclusive brand: The apparel industry has been accused of promoting body stereotypes. Non-body inclusive brands’ models are of size zero, several brands don’t even have plus sizes. Thus, while buying your dress this time, see if the brand is inclusive of bodies of all shapes and sizes.
  • Racial discrimination: How a brand markets and advertises its clothes is a significant question. Racial discrimination exists in passive forms, which people wouldn't even notice in their daily lives. Clothing, cosmetics, and footwear are usually sold showing how they look on the white skin. But that is not fair. So, be cautious of racial discrimination while choosing where to shop from.
  • Human rights violation: If we talk about the apparel industry, mostly clothes are manufactured in developing nations because labour is cheaper there. In these factories, many times children are employed, and the work environment is adverse. So, do a bit of research before ignorantly contributing to inhumanity.

 Shopping spree will now begin!

Image source: Pixabay

  • How sustainable is the brand: Climate change is the biggest crisis humans are fighting. And capitalism is a significant contributor to the worsening weather conditions. So, before making the purchase from a particular brand, see how sustainable they are and what’s their position with the 17 sustainable goals.
  • Don’t become a fool in the capitalist world: Several brands are overpriced. And people still purchase from them just because of the “brand name”. Do not fall in this pit. Purchase items that you think are worth the price and do not shed money into the overflowing pockets of the millionaires.
  • Check for authenticity: It's a world of trickery. Brands claim they are sustainable, or their products are organic. But, how do you know? Check their certificates, if they have been certified from government organisations for the organic status of their products and then make the purchase.

GOOD READ: Black Friday sales lead to a spurt in online sales ahead of Christmas

Bottom line

By following the above pointers, you can become a responsible customer. Be aware of your rights and responsibilities. Checking above points might sound time consuming. However, if you look for them, they will hardly take 30 minutes. And, at the end of it you’ll have your purchases done from ethical, sustainable, body inclusive and authentic brands.

So, Happy Christmas and Happy shopping to all!


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