How to Trade Directly on TradingView Charts for Free?

January 25, 2024 12:37 PM AEDT | By Rahul Sharma (Guest)
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If you're curious about how to trade directly on TradingView charts without any cost, you're in the right place. Dhan brings you free access to powerful TradingView charts. With Dhan + TradingView, you get not just charts, but a whole suite of unique features designed for seamless online trading. Read this article to know more.

What is Dhan TradingView?

Dhan's trading platform offers a range of features to its users to trade directly on TradingView via its product listed as Dhan also has a broker integration with the TradingView platform but today we are talking about a unique product which is exclusive to Dhan to trade directly on TradingView free.

With this, you can enjoy a range of functionalities including trading charts, option chains displayed on charts, basket orders, webhooks, live profit and loss tracking, and much more.

Here's what you get:

  • Bar Replay
  • Community Scripts
  • Price Alerts
  • Multiple Indicators
  • Stock Screener
  • 1 Second Chart Timeframe
  • Pine Indicator

This user-friendly interface provides an excellent experience for Dhan account holders to trade directly on TradingView without any cost.

How to Trade Directly on TradingView Charts with Dhan?

Trading on Dhan+TradingView allows you to execute trades efficiently directly from the charts. Here's how to execute trades on Dhan TradingView:

1. Placing a Buy or Sell Order

Go to This is a product by Dhan that lets you trade on TradingView. Open the scrip chart of your choice.

To buy or sell on Dhan+ using TradingView, move your mouse on the chart—find the Plus (+) sign. Click there, and a menu pops up. Enter how much you want to buy or sell.

If you have open orders, you'll see them on the chart too. It's like drawing on the chart to make trades. Simple and right where you look, there is no need to go to different pages.

2. Setting Stop-Loss

When placing a trade on Dhan+ with TradingView, think of "Stop-Loss" as a safety net. Set the Stop-Loss price to automatically sell if the trade goes against you, limiting potential losses.

It's like having a plan in place to protect your investment, making trading smarter and less stressful.

3. Managing Trades

Once you've made a trade, keep an eye on it on the chart. To adjust your trade, like changing the entry or setting stop-loss, just click and drag the lines on the chart. It's super easy. This way, you can adapt to the market's ups and downs without any hassle.

If you want to close the trade, find it in the Trading Panel, click "Close Position," and confirm. Managing your trades directly on the chart helps you respond quickly to changes and control your trades.


Dhan offers a user-friendly way to trade directly on TradingView charts for free. This simplifies the trading process, allowing even beginners to execute trades seamlessly. With intuitive tools and real-time data, you can make informed decisions directly on the Dhan platform. To access TradingView free, open an account with Dhan and start trading.


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