Top 3 investments to secure your retirement

June 30, 2021 08:19 PM AEST | By Sipho Mavhusa (Guest)
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I am sure everyone has envisioned what their retirement will look like someday. Some may wish for endless days cruising on yachts and drinking expensive champagne with their mates, and maybe for some, it could be a piece of land in the countryside with just you and your spouse lazing around all day. Whatever your vision may be, as much as it differs with each person, there is one common thing that we all need to experience a good retirement. Well, you guessed it, that mutual thing is money.

As human beings, we need money to survive, and as we grow older, we need to start thinking of ways to invest in our future. Investing has become very popular, and with so many new ways of doing it popping up every day, I bet we can help you make a sound decision with these three ideas that could make your dream retirement plan come true.

  1. Agriculture

 Source: Unsplash

Agriculture has an enormous impact on all our lives; we must eat to survive right! As this industry continues to grow, it has become one of the best ways of investing. Agriculture is suitable as a long-term investment, and it has favourable growth rates. Australia has risen as a premium food supplier and is willing to attract investment in innovation. Queensland holds the title of being a global leader in tropical and subtropical agriculture. So, if there was ever a time to invest in agriculture, it is now. I’m sure you will be inspired as you read the story of the Carter & Spencer citrus ranch in the Costco catalogue for this week. The company has been in existence since 1936. They farm, pack, and distribute lemons, limes, oranges and mandarines locally and export internationally. It’s a family business and investing in such a generational venture can only mean your profits can also be passed down to your children and their children as long as the farm and the company still exist.

  1. Real Estate

  Source: Unsplash

Real estate may seem like a basic investment that many people go for, but for you to obtain something tangible out of it, you need to be strategic. There are some pros and cons like any investment, so you need to research the market thoroughly. As you read on, you'll discover whether or not this investment is right for you. Property is easy to understand, which is why many people are comfortable with it. Real estate can bring long term investment returns if the property value increases over time. You also have more control in decision making when the property is yours. One thing you need to be prepared for is the cost of investing over a period of time. Before going ahead, you’ll need to know precisely how much will be required for everything and to make sure you can afford it all. It is a good investment, but it needs a good brain too!


The last investment, and the one some would call very risky, is shares. When you buy shares (also known as stocks or equities), you become a company shareholder. This means you will get a share of profit as the company succeeds. This form of investing is quite common and has seen many people venturing into it. However, it is very risky as some companies could be volatile. If things go south, so will your investment. Several things can happen that can affect the economy and lead to companies collapsing or shutting down. So again, it will be important to do your research and get expert help before diving in.

With investments, sometimes, the higher the risk, the greater the reward. So, don’t dismiss anything without reading up on it. However, be sure to do what best suits you and your pocket. The super is no longer enough of an investment in these times. People are going deeper, working harder for a sound retirement, and if you are now thinking about starting that retirement plan, I hope this has helped guide you on where to go. Happy investing!!!

Author Bio

Sipho Mavhusa is a writing enthusiast who enjoys exploring different topics affecting business and the world in general. Being a businesswoman, she finds pleasure in researching how the operational environment is changing and the factors that are improving or depleting business.


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