Stake Your Comos and AVAX Tokens on DogeMiyagi

May 25, 2023 02:42 PM AEST | By Oliver Wilson (Guest)
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Free crypto staking with DogeMiyagi: Avalanche + Cosmos accepted

The meme coin market stirred a revolutionary effect on the cryptocurrency industry. When Dogecoin was let loose into the market, investors were confronted with an interesting phenomenon - a cryptocurrency with an unlimited supply that was not only affordable but also democratic. This marked a new dawn for the crypto industry as meme coins now became a strong financial asset from just a passing joke.

One coin in particular that is very excited awaiting market entry is DogeMiyagi, and judging by the name needs no indication of what it is modelled after. The coin aims to change the trajectory of meme coin growth within the market. In addition, its free staking option is the highlight of its proposition.

Avalanche struggles to climb 

Avalanche has had a rough few weeks as the value struggles to climb. This scuffle has led the AVAX price to sharply drop by more than 15% in a month. However, the developmental activity within the platform has seen some very steady growth in that same time, with the subnets increasing in demand and the launch of its new NFT marketplace.

The amount of AVAX staked on the Subnets tallied 120,000 which indicates a 33% increase in a matter of days. This led to the total subnet staking surging to more than 0.188% and accounted for more than 12% of validations. Furthermore, the ecosystem expanded its NFT landscape by launching Peek NFT, a marketplace that focuses on hosting NFTs with utility.

The Cosmos expands

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Cosmos has made some very big developments this year, especially with the expansion of its ecosystem and the $40M investment involved. Not to forget the Interchain Security Rollout! Despite facing a bear market for the past week, the expansion of the cosmos continues.

Ledger has announced that it is one of the first hardware wallet services to facilitate Cosmos and its network’s projects. This will allow users to send, receive and stake the ATOM token plus three others - Onomy, Quicksilver, and Persistence. The goal here is to increase the total number of projects by 20 and this is speculated to be achieved by the end of the year. Pumping the numbers higher, Axelar is going to be added to Cosmos in the coming weeks.

DogeMiyagi: Stake on, profits on

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Keeping true to the meme coin lineage, DogeMiyagi is next-in-line for dog-themed coin fame but it has a twist; it comes with a fury. Modelled after the legendary Karate Kid movie series, this token packs a punch! The platform is centered around a sense of community and belonging but also exudes patience in their growth. It plans to release a plethora of initiatives and programs that will enable members to indulge in the ecosystem.

One key benefit of DogeMiyagi is its ability to give back to the community. It does this through two main avenues- referrals and staking/swapping. Through the referrals, users can connect their wallets to the platform, invite like-minded people to expand the community, and thereafter, earn rewards through a referral code which drops 10% commission into the wallet when used. Furthermore, users can now stake Avalanche and Cosmos on DogeMiyagi to earn passive income.

DogeMiyagi aims to unlock a new door in crypto. Join the dojo today and be part of the revolution.

In conclusion, the rapid expansion and growing popularity of the meme coin market have set in motion a new era of cryptocurrency. Investors have expanded their interest beyond utility and have delved into more niche investments that function almost like owning memorabilia. Meme coins have given the industry a chance to not only own wealth, but also nostalgia.

Click to join the Dojo of DogeMiyagi:





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