How to easily send crypto to another person - Kalkine Media

November 22, 2022 08:31 PM AEDT | By Patricia (Guest)
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Crypto has come a long way since Bitcoin’s launch in 2009. There are over 21,000 cryptocurrencies as of at the end of September 2022, and more coins and tokens are being added to the list each day. Also, with every passing year, more people and businesses are using crypto as a payment method for day-to-day transactions, be it for splitting bills, remittances or shopping.

In fact, if you’re searching for an easy way to send crypto assets to another user, we’ve got helpful information for you.

Which platform can I use to send crypto?

There’s a wide range of platforms that allow you to send crypto. These include crypto exchanges, crypto wallets, crypto payment apps, and peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces. You may also send crypto using a gift card or a crypto ATM (if they accept the coin or token you want to send).

How to send crypto easily to another person?

The process of sending crypto usually varies depending on the type of platform you’ll use. But if you’re keen on the easy way (if not the easiest of all), use a crypto payment app as they’re generally made to make sending and receiving crypto easy for users. Most of them take just a few steps and a few seconds to complete a transaction.

That said, let’s say you owe a friend AU$100 because he paid for your dinner in a nice restaurant. Both of you hold Ethereum and he prefers to receive the payment in Ethereum as well. He told you to send it through Kasta, a crypto payment app that enables sending, receiving, depositing, withdrawing, swapping, and staking tokens, so you can send Ethereum to him for free. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Sign up on the app.
  2. Log in.
  3. Deposit Ethereum to the app.
  4. Tap the “Add Funds” button on the home screen.
  5. Tap “Deposit from a wallet.”
  6. Choose Ethereum and tap “Copy.”
  7. Go to the exchange you’re using or the external wallet you use to store your assets.
  8. Withdraw Ethereum from the exchange or wallet and paste your Kasta wallet address as the destination of assets.
  9. Go to the Kasta home screen and tap the “Send” icon.
  10. Scan the QR code or enter the phone number of your friend.
  11. Select “Ethereum” from the currency list.
  12. Enter $100
  13. Proceed with your pin code to complete the transaction.

How much does it cost to send crypto?

It depends on which platform you’ll use. With Kasta, you can send crypto for free if the other Kasta user receives the payment in the same cryptocurrency. However, if they use the feature that allows them to use a different crypto, exchange fees will apply.

Final thoughts

With the advancement of technology and all the options available, sending crypto to another user is easier now than ever. You just have to choose a platform that’s secure, easy to use, and would enable you to complete transactions as quickly as possible.


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