Cryptos you can mine at home in 2023

April 19, 2023 06:02 PM AEST | By Arisha Tariq (Guest)
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Want to mine cryptocurrencies from your comfort zone? Well, it might be pricey, and you'll need to spend money on graphics processing units (GPUs) or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), as well as on rack space, power supply, and other computer parts. However, this kind of hashing power is unnecessary for other coins. Complex mathematical problem-solving is the bedrock of mining. A tiny "fee" is paid to miners for each complicated equation they answer. Mining is crucial because it ensures the legitimacy of blockchain transactions. As a result of the law of declining marginal returns, mine workers get ever-smaller paychecks. But if your graphics processing unit (GPU) is passable or better, you can mine too!

It's possible to make a lot of money by mining crypto coins at home. The labour is uncomplicated, and the necessary equipment is basic and easy to come by. It is important to mine the appropriate cryptocurrency; however, power expenditures and use should be considered as well while mining. Keeping abreast of market developments is also crucial for increasing the likelihood of financial success. And keep an eye on the mining difficulty of the coins you're working with. Then you may fine-tune your mining approach to constantly produce the most lucrative coins.

Cryptocurrencies to mine at home

Cryptocurrency mining is both a fun and profitable hobby. However, it is important to fully comprehend the expenses and hazards involved before getting started. Earning rewards and taking part in the fascinating world of cryptocurrency mining is possible with the appropriate equipment and approach. So, in 2023, these are the top cryptocurrencies for home mining.

1.    Monero (XMR)

The Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency is one of the most straightforward to mine on a personal computer. You may mine XMR on your computer or you can join a mining pool and have your computer's resources shared with others. This implies regular payments; however, participation in the pool will cost money. You may mine independently, but you'll need a large hash rate to make any progress. That might take a few weeks to a few months.

CPUs and GPUs both can mine Monero; however, the latter is far more effective. Software like XMRig or CSminer, designed specifically for CPU mining, is required. Because it is immune to ASIC mining, Monero is mined only by regular people using regular computers. (ASICs are expensive dedicated mining hardware). This also helps level the playing field in mining competitions. If you want to buy Monero, you can use a trading bot like Quantum Ai to maximise your earnings.

2.    Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) is an alternative cryptocurrency that has attracted a substantial user base thanks to the efforts of Elon Musk. Dogecoin also became nine years old not too long ago.

Joining a crypto mining pool is the most efficient method to mine Dogecoin. A crypto mining pool is a collection of miners that pool their processing power to mine a cryptocurrency. You may boost your chances of receiving rewards by participating in a mining pool.

Since you'll need to collaborate with other miners to uncover blocks. In exchange for sharing their computing resources, pool participants get compensated. MultiDoge is a widely used Dogecoin mining pool. It's an easy-to-use, free, and open-source Dogecoin wallet with an integrated central processing unit miner. This eliminates the need for expensive mining gear by letting you mine Dogecoin using your computer's processing power alone. It supports several platforms (including Windows, Mac, and Linux) and has an intuitive UI.

GPU miners are another option for Dogecoin mining. GPU miners are programmes that let you mine Dogecoin using your computer's graphics processing unit. CGMiner is a well-liked Dogecoin GPU miner. This programme supports a broad variety of graphics cards and operating systems and provides flexible settings customization.

3.    ZCash (ZEC)

Zcash (ZEC), introduced in 2016, is the most prominent cryptocurrency dedicated to anonymity. Zcash's most attractive quality for home miners is that it uses the Equihash algorithm, which is resistant to the use of ASICs. This means that anybody with a GPU mining rig at home may take part.

To begin mining Zcash, you must first get the necessary mining software. Obtain the Zcash blockchain and create a wallet. Because the full blockchain must be downloaded to your node and then synced, this process might take some time. Binance, Huobi Global, and Bitfinex are among the markets where Zcash may be traded once it has been mined.

4.    Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin has been around for a while and is often mentioned alongside Bitcoin as an alternative cryptocurrency. It is peer-to-peer digital money that relies on open-source software. As of this writing, a block rewards its miner with 12.5 Litecoin. In 2023, the block reward for Litecoin will decrease to 6.25 LTC, having been halved every four years.

Because it is based on the Scrypt system and is thus generally acknowledged, mining Litecoin is a good concept that does not need the purchase of specialised mining hardware.

Mining is suggested on a GPU because of the high memory requirements. Because of its lower volatility compared to other cryptocurrencies, LTC is an excellent mining alternative.

It is generally recognised on all major exchanges and has low transaction costs. Therefore, you need not worry about a sudden drop in value.

5.    Bitcoin Gold (BTG)

Bitcoin Gold is a "fork" of Bitcoin, making it a variant of the original Bitcoin. Bitcoin requires specialised mining technology, but Bitcoin Gold can be mined using desktop computers.

Bitcoin Gold's popularity has led to its easy availability on almost every major cryptocurrency exchange. Bitcoin Gold is a great alternative for miners since it uses the Equihash algorithm, which is immune to ASIC mining hardware. However, miners will need a powerful GPU to begin mining Bitcoin Gold. You may join one of the many Bitcoin Gold mining pools to get your mining profits faster.

6.    Vertcoin (VTC)

Although it has the same basic structure as Bitcoin and Litecoin, Vertcoin (VTC) is far simpler to mine on a personal computer. The payout of 25 VTC per block is halved every 840,000 blocks. Vertcoin lowers the barrier to entry for miners, which is particularly important now that electricity prices have skyrocketed.

Furthermore, Vertcoin is immune to ASIC mining hardware, making it accessible to everyone with a reasonably powerful GPU and CPU. The purpose of Vertcoin was to dismantle mining pools as a centralised institution. You may start mining Vertcoin as soon as you download the software and run it on a Windows machine.

7.    Raven Coin

Raven Coin Similar to Dogecoin, Ravencoin is a coin that is simple to mine. It went live in 2018 as a fork of Bitcoin with enhanced block reward timing. It streamlines the process of sending and receiving Bitcoin payments for the benefit of its users. With a maximum supply of 21 billion coins, anybody with a powerful graphics card and CPU may mine RVN.

Ravencoin is an effort to enhance Bitcoin's underlying technology by implementing a Full Asset Aware Protocol Level System. It paves the way for the widespread ability to create, move, and monitor crypto assets. You can mine RVN using any mining software that supports the KAWPOW script, the Ravencoin wallet, and a reasonably powerful graphics card. A Ravencoin mining pool is another option.

Things You Don’t Need To Do For Crypto Mining At Home

The coins on this list prove that you can still mine Bitcoin at home without breaking the bank on specialised ASIC miners or a powerful graphics processing unit. If you research, you may uncover alternative cryptocurrencies suitable for home mining. After deciding which cryptocurrency to mine and setting up your hardware, is to get mining software. After establishing a connection to the blockchain, mining software may determine the legitimacy of transactions. The new cryptocurrency will be rewarded to you as you verify transactions.


Remember that mining Bitcoin at home might significantly increase your monthly power costs. To ensure the security of financial transactions, your computer's graphics processing unit (GPU) must continually solve complex mathematical problems. Therefore, before selecting to mine from home, it is crucial to be careful of the power utilisation. Also, think about how much power typically costs where you live.


Risk Disclosure: Trading in cryptocurrencies involves high risks including the risk of losing some, or all, of your investment amount, and may not be suitable for all investors. Prices of cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and may be affected by external factors such as financial, regulatory, or political events. The laws that apply to crypto products (and how a particular crypto product is regulated) may change. Before deciding to trade in financial instrument or cryptocurrencies you should be fully informed of the risks and costs associated with trading in the financial markets, carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite, and seek professional advice where needed. Kalkine Media cannot and does not represent or guarantee that any of the information/data available here is accurate, reliable, current, complete or appropriate for your needs. Kalkine Media will not accept liability for any loss or damage as a result of your trading or your reliance on the information shared on this website.



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