FYI Resources (ASX:FYI) embarks on extended HPA pilot plant trial

November 12, 2021 06:00 PM AEDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • FYI Resources Limited plans to undertake an extended HPA trial production run with its partner Alcoa at the Welshpool facility.
  • FYI intends to position itself as a significant producer of 4N and 5N HPA in rapidly growing high-tech product markets.
  • The resource player has already completed the first trial run, which was scheduled to commence from 19 October 2021.

Shares of FYI Resources Limited (ASX:FYI, OTC:FYIRF) has climbed up as much as 6.75% to trade at AU$0.395 per share during the intraday trading session on Friday after a significant announcement by the company.

In a cheery announcement, the HPA producer along with its experienced partner Alcoa Australia Limited shared its plans to undertake an extended HPA trial production run at FYI’s Welshpool pilot plant facility in Western Australia. The pilot plant trial production run is anticipated to begin on 16 November 2021.

FYI envisions to emerge as a significant producer of 4N and 5N HPA in rapidly growing high-tech product markets.

Related Article: FYI Resources Limited inks binding term sheet with Alcoa for HPA development

Pilot plant trial

The extended pilot plant HPA trial run production is a significant phase in the development of the project. The trial run will unveil process improvements and will produce bulk HPA for detailed product assessment by potential customers.

The current production run is the second joint pilot plant trial between Alcoa and FYI, intended to have an extended operating time of two weeks followed by an operational assessment period of one week and then a second two weeks of operations.

Trial runs

The resource player has already completed the first trial run, which was scheduled to commence from 19 October 2021 and run for four weeks. The pilot plant programs are in line with the joint development and commercialisation of FYI's innovative process for refining high-quality HPA.

Related Article: FYI Resources Limited (ASX:FYI) and Alcoa agrees to extend HPA JV Exclusive Agreement

Important operating parameters for the pilot plant trials are as follows:

Pilot Plant trial operating parameters

Assisting the development of the HPA process

The extended pilot plant trial is expected to assist the HPA process flowsheet development by demonstrating process refinements and operating efficiencies drawn from continuous improvement programs from previous trials.

Additionally, the extended pilot run will also produce HPA, which will be utilised by prospective customers and offtake parties for detailed product assessment.

Good Read: FYI Resources establishes a world-renowned ESG reporting platform

FYI’s ESG focus on HPA development

FYI has made strong commitments to attain the sustainable development and production of HPA through its fully integrated and innovative refining process. The Company also stated that its refining process was matched with high ESG standards to enable complete traceability and provenance of the product.

 ESG standards

The alumina producer also stated that it would utilise the information generated from the extended pilot plant operations as a source of data for other ESG-linked computations, carbon emission reductions, and waste characterisation studies.


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