
First Au (ASX:FAU) initiates drilling at Victoria’s Dogwood project

May 02, 2022 06:51 PM AEST | By Arpit Verma
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  • First Au Limited (ASX:FAU) has commenced drilling at its Dogwood porphyry copper-molybdenum gold project.
  • The current drilling program is intended to test for a ‘structurally modified’ mineralised system across the project.
  • The Company has appointed Deepcore drilling for the current 14-hole diamond drilling program.
  • FAU commenced a geological review of the copper-gold porphyry prospect in September 2021.

Australia-focused minerals exploration company First Au Limited (ASX:FAU, OTCQB: FRSAF) has shared a significant update related to its Dogwood Project.

In a significant market update, the miner has announced that it had commenced the drilling at its Dogwood porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold project.

The current drilling program is intended to test the ‘structurally modified’ mineralised system across the project. A series of holes has been planned to test the extent of supergene mineralisation, define the hypogene, structural, and lithotype hosts and also, assess the additional potential of the project.

Must Read: First Au (ASX:FAU) begins geological review at Dogwood, highlights significant copper porphyry potential

Fourteen-hole diamond drilling program

Located 28km from FAU’s Haunted Stream Prospect area, Dogwood lies within southern extensions of the Lachlan Fold Belt, a world-class gold-copper porphyry precinct that hosts the Cadia Deposit, the Boda Deposit, and the Northparkes Mine.

Deepcore Drill rig onsite at Dogwood

Source: Company Announcement (2 May 2022)

The Company has appointed Deepcore drilling for the current 14-hole diamond drilling program. The drill rig arrived on the site late last week and drilling commenced over the weekend.

Related Article: First Au (ASX:FAU) has the first-mover edge at Victorian Goldfields

Robust historic drilling results

In September 2021, FAU commenced a geological review of the copper-gold porphyry prospect in Victoria.

Geological map of the Dogwood Cu porphyry

Data Source: Company Announcement (2 May 2022)

Historic drilling undertaken by Anglo Australian American Prospecting in early 1980s was followed by subsequent drilling undertaken by CRA in 1993 and 1994, demonstrating the presence of a significant copper anomaly across a large ~4 by 2 km area.

Also Read: First Au (ASX:FAU) delineates initial drill targets at Mabel Creek

The best intersects from drilling by CRA, include:

Significant historic drilling result by CRA

Data Source: Company Announcement (2 May 2022)

The drilling undertaken by CRA de a laterally extensive supergene chalcocite oxide Cu mineralisation, open in all directions.

FAU’s shares traded at AU$0.013 on 2 May 2022.


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