
Jindalee Lithium (ASX: JLL) appoints mining business executive Ian Rodger as CEO

December 12, 2023 02:50 AM MSK | By Sonal Goyal


  • Ian Rodger has been appointed to JLL’s board as CEO.
  • He is an experienced mining business executive and is expected to assume his role from mid-January 2024.
  • The move is aimed at strengthening JLL’s growth phase towards McDermitt PFS delivery.

Jindalee Lithium Limited (ASX: JLL) has appointed Ian Rodger as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He is a qualified mining business executive with significant experience in his field.

Rodger is expected to take up the role of CEO in mid-January 2024. Upon his appointment, Lindsay Dudfield would retire as interim CEO and would be a part of the board as an executive director for a transitional period.

Rodger’s appointment has strengthened the management as the company move towards the pre-feasibility study delivery in 2024 for its McDermitt Project.

Rich experience of Rodger

Rodger worked with Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO) as a mining engineer across two huge greenfield mine developments. Later, he held executive and director positions at RFC Ambrian. In these roles, he oversaw origination and management of multiple mandates across various corporate advisory roles.

Recently, he was associated with Oz Minerals (ASX: OZL) as a project director and made considerable contributions to define the value potential of the West Musgrave Nickel/Copper Province via delivering portfolio of growth studies. In his role, he led partnership, technical and market development workstreams which confirmed value potential for generating an intermediate nickel product.

Education background  

  • Bachelor of Mining Engineering – University of Queensland
  • Masters of Mineral Economics - Curtin University
  • A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • A member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

McDermitt Project, located in Oregon, is one of the largest lithium deposits of its kind in the USA with a mineral resource estimate of 21.5Mt LCE. The company believes that the project is uniquely placed to deliver lithium chemicals to the American automotive industry, which is moving towards electric mobility technologies.

The large-scale project is expected to materially change the US lithium supply dynamics.


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