
Haranga Resources (ASX:HAR) unlocking value from promising Green Energy (Uranium, Lithium) and gold assets in West Africa

September 23, 2022 01:19 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Haranga Resources (ASX:HAR) is engaged in the advancement of highly prospective gold, uranium and lithium assets.
  • The company is backed by a qualified team of professionals who are experienced across all operational and governance areas.
  • HAR has made notable progress across its projects and now looks to advance further work, including drilling at the Saraya Uranium Project in early October 2022.
  • At Saraya in Senegal, the company’s consultants established an Exploration Target of 5 to 20 million tonnes of ore at a grade range of 350-750 ppm eU3O8.

Haranga Resources Limited (ASX:HAR) is a multi-commodity explorer engaged in the development of highly prospective gold, uranium and lithium assets, located in West Africa. The company is committed to advancing all its projects in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.

Listed on the ASX in January this year, the company is driven by a leadership team that is significantly experienced as well as qualified to manage an emerging ASX-listed exploration company.

Strong and proven leadership team

Haranga believes that its leadership team boasts a wide-ranging experience across all operational as well as governance areas needed to manage and establish an ASX-listed exploration company leading to Bankable Feasibility Study levels. The team has been associated with the advancement of projects from feasibility through to production.

Furthermore, the company works with service providers that have proven experience working with its target commodities in the regions where its projects are located. This extensive and rich experience positions the company in a sweet spot to advance its projects quickly, but also ensuring that existing projects are continually assessed to confirm they warrant further expenditure and funds are focused to only projects that will potentially deliver value to its shareholders.

Robust project portfolio in West Africa

Haranga has been advancing various works across projects, including

  • The Saraya Uranium Project in Senegal, where the geological setting also presents the prospect of lithium and a range of other high-demand minerals
  • The Issia Gold Project in Cote d’Ivoire
  • The Ibel South gold permit in SE Senegal
  • Gold Assets in Burkina Faso

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: HAR | Image Source: HAR

HAR seeks to make further discoveries in the uranium and nuclear space in contemporary times and explores various ways through which, it can play a pivotal role in decarbonising the atmosphere.

Recent progress at Saraya Project

Strong uranium prospectivity has been highlighted at the Saraya Project via a technical review of historical exploration results. The results indicate not only high-grade mineralisation but also suggest substantial widths of uranium across several holes at shallow depths.

Source: © 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: HAR | Image Source: © Johncarnemolla | Megapixl.com

Recently, HAR has defined an Exploration Target for the Saraya project - 5-20 million tonnes of ore at a grade range of 350-750 ppm eU3O8 (4–35 Mlb contained eU3O8). The company believes that sufficient exploration has not been undertaken to estimate a Mineral Resource, and the potential quantity and grade of this target remains conceptual at present.

HAR now looks to initiate a maiden drill program in September and aims to convert this exploration target into a Mineral Resource.

Preparation commenced for the upcoming Saraya diamond drilling program, including:

  • Establishment of a downhole probing procedure with a geophysical service provider
  • Preparation of sampling protocols
  • Ongoing discussions with local communities
  • Securing a diamond drilling Contract with IDC Drilling

Gold exploration in Ivory Coast yields positive results

The company has completed an infill soil sampling program, covering parts of the Issia-Buyo permit with assay results received for 4,249 samples. The soil samples returned significant gold concentrations, clustered over both the Noukpoudou sheared corridor (up to 4.9 g/t Au) and the Buyo Lake shear zone (up to 10.0 g/t Au).

In late August, the company secured the highly prospective Ibel South gold permit in SE Senegal, which contains known gold anomalies from historical gold exploration. The permit sits within the Birimian Volcanics of the Kenieba inlier, which has reported more than 40 million ounces of gold in resources being mined or under development.

The overall experience of HAR comprises a significant tenure in running ASX-listed companies and funding, and advancing the mining and exploration projects in Australia, Africa, as well as other parts of the world.

HAR shares traded at AU$0.18 on 21 September 2022.  


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