
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) kickstarts auger drilling at Saraya uranium Project

November 14, 2023 04:30 PM AEDT | By Manisha
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  • Haranga has begun major auger drill program at the Saraya Project.
  • Initially, the company will focus on two uranium anomalies, namely Diobi and Sanela, at the Saraya Project.
  • HAR is expecting to complete up to ~20,000m of auger drilling before beginning a reverse circulation drill program.
  • The company is in talks with drilling companies for conducting the RC program in December.

Haranga Resources Limited (ASX: HAR) has kicked off auger drilling at its Senegal-based Saraya uranium project. The process of auger testing two anomalies - Diobi and Sanela – with a trailer mounted auger drill is underway.

The company has proposed to drill the next anomaly within the Saraya uranium project in the dry season starting in December. As of now, the firm will get familiar with the orientation of the mineralisation that is detected from termite sampling and sitting under the laterite plateau.

After receiving the auger drill results, HAR will start reverse circulation drilling for another anomaly.

The company has defined an existing inferred MRE of 12.5Mt @ 587 ppm eU3O8 for 16.1Mlbs at the project.

Exploration across Saraya Permit

Termite Mound Sampling - HAR has begun the termite mound programs with the start of the dry season. Over 70% of the permit has been covered on a 1000m x 100m grid. While three infill grids have been completed, the fourth is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

HAR will begin new grids over any anomalism detected from the wider spaced grid work.

Metallurgical Testwork - SGS Canada Inc has been commissioned by the firm for preliminary metallurgical testwork on a representative sample made of crushed core from the Haranga drilling from Saraya.

Independent Metallurgical Operations will supervise the operations of SGS. The former will complete reagent consumption, ore characteristic work, as well as recovery tests.

Ibel South gold project – Geochem extension

In July 2023, HAR completed an infill termite mound sampling on a grid spacing of 200m x 50m just south of the first Ibel South infill grid.

A geochem anomaly detected previously has been targeted in the first grid of 800m x 200m. Geology detected from field reconnaissance and the discovery of artisanal gold workings on lateritic plateau and saprolite flanks has been covered in the second grid.

Around 1500 samples + QAQC of the new infill grid have been submitted for Fire Assay Analyses at SGS lab in Bamako. The assay results revealed gold anomalies of 73ppb while 72 samples delivered gold anomalies above 15ppb.

Notably, the outcome highlighted low grade halos from beneath and around the artisanal gold working and across the summit of the lateritic plateaus.

The assays are nearly 5X background, and artisanal gold workings seen to be rooted into the saprolite below the laterite at some places, with pits of 6-8m depth.

In the coming months, HAR will conduct drill test the original anomalies identified in Phase 1 of termite mound sampling, to use air core to understand the orientation and check the tenor of these higher-grade anomalies. The company will use auger for lower grade halos on the plateau for improved understanding of the geology and analyse whether there lies a control on the mineralisation.

HAR’s stock price was spotted at AU$0.165 at the time of writing on 14 Nov 2023, up over 3% from the last close.


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