
Far East Gold (ASX:FEG) to Advance High-Value Projects with 2025 Drilling Programs

March 10, 2025 12:03 PM AEDT | By Sonal Goyal
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  • FEG has finalised exploration and drilling plans for its high-value Idenburg and Trenggalek projects.
  • At the Idenburg project, the company aims to expand the Maiden JORC Resource of 540,000 ounces of gold at 4.1g/t.
  • Trenggalek drilling will focus on copper porphyry targets across three prospect areas and a gold epithermal target.
  • The goal is to establish a near-term development project in partnership with strategic collaborators.

Far East Gold Limited (ASX:FEG) has announced its exploration and drilling plans for 2025, focusing on expanding the resource potential and accelerating project development for its high-value assets at Idenburg and Trenggalek. The company aims to achieve these goals through strategic partnerships.

The company has finalised plans to target four prospect areas at Idenburg, with the objective of increasing the Maiden JORC Resource, currently estimated at 540,000 ounces of gold at 4.1g/t.

Additionally, FEG has outlined a comprehensive drilling campaign at the Trenggalek copper-gold project, focusing on copper porphyry targets at three prospect areas and an additional gold epithermal prospect area.

These drilling programs are designed to establish a near-term development project, positioning the company for growth in collaboration with its strategic partners.

Idenburg Project Drilling Plans: Expanding Resource Potential

The drilling program at Idenburg will cover 3,670m across 32 diamond drill holes, spread across the Sua, Bermol, Mafi, and Kwaplu prospect areas.

  • Sua Prospect: 1,120m across 5 holes
    the Sua prospect has already contributed significantly to the Maiden JORC Resource. Drilling will test east-west extensions, aiming to expand the existing resource base.
  • Bermol Prospect: 1,050m across 8 holes
    Bermol, like Sua, has been a major contributor to the resource estimate. Drilling will focus on testing east/west extensions to further enhance the resource.
  • Mafi Prospect: 500m across 7 holes
    Mafi has contributed a smaller portion of the initial resource. Drilling will focus on known mineralised zones and potential extensions, following extensive ground truthing and mapping.
  • Kwaplu Prospect: 1,000m across 12 holes
    Kwaplu is located southwest of Sua and is considered FEG’s top exploration target. This untested area has a large gold-in-soil geochemical anomaly. Initial scout drilling will be followed by surface mapping to refine drill targets.  

Trenggalek Project: Drilling Focus on Copper and Gold Targets

The drilling program at Trenggalek targets both porphyry copper and epithermal gold systems. The program includes 18 RC and diamond drill holes, totalling 5,740m and is designed to test high-priority targets identified through surface mapping, geochemical analysis, and advanced geophysical modelling.

  • Sumber Bening: 2 holes, totalling 1,450m
    Drilling at this high-sulphidation /porphyry target will test zones of high-sulphidation, advanced surface alteration coinciding with IP geophysical anomalies. Deeper porphyry targets, defined by 3D magnetic inversion modelling, will also be explored.
  • Singgahan: 2 holes, totalling 1,550m
    The program will target select porphyry zones identified through surface rock sampling and 3D magnetic inversion data.
  • Buluroto: 2 holes, totalling 900m
    At this porphyry-related target, one hole will test the depth extension of a previously intersected mineralised breccia zone, which yielded 27.3m at 0.49 g/t gold and 0.19% copper (hole TRDD025). The second hole will assess a modelled magnetic body.
  • Buluroto: 12 holes, totalling 1,840m
    Drilling at this epithermal vein target will cover a 500m-long section of the Buluroto epithermal vein system, an area that remains largely untested.

Woyla Project: Initial Scout Drilling at Kareung Reuboeh

The company plans to complete an initial scout drilling program at the Kareung Reuboeh prospect, with five diamond drill holes totalling 500 metres.

Surface mapping has revealed three distinct veins, reaching widths of up to 9m, with chip and grab samples from exposed veins returning high-grade gold results. Notably, these veins have never been drilled tested. The planned program aims to explore the veins along a 250m strike length and to a vertical depth of approximately 50m.

These drilling programs are designed to establish near-term development projects, positioning Far East Gold for growth in partnership with strategic collaborators. Detailed results from the exploration and drilling programs will be announced in the future, showcasing the progress of the company’s world-class asset portfolio.

FEG Shares Surge

FEG shares were trading 6.45% higher at AU$0.165 per share at the time of writing on 10 March 2025.


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