
EarlyBirds’ innovation-rich ecosystem can be leveraged by the booming biotech industry

March 20, 2023 05:31 AM CET | By Ankit Sethi


  • Biotechnology became one of the key forces to further vaccine research during the Covid-19 pandemic phase
  • EarlyBirds, with millions of innovations including from the biotech sector, promotes collaboration between innovators and adopters
  • The company has features like dynamic innovation maps and two dedicated programs that drive better insights and early adoption

Gene therapy, cell transplants, genomic testing and other similar terms find frequent mention in the biotechnology domain. Often dubbed, biotech, it can be understood as the coming together of two sciences -- natural and engineering. Biotech -- as much as it is incomplete with living organisms -- is not complete without technology, which paves the way for improvements in many things including pharmaceuticals. EarlyBirds plays a role in facilitating adoption of technology in the biotech sector.

Before we learn how the ecosystem, which has technology innovators and organisations as adopters of deserving innovations, helps the sector, let us quickly know why technology is at the heart of the contemporary world of healthcare.

Biotechnology's applications

Image source: Pixabay.com

EarlyBirds, in one of its recent blogs on the subject, has centered on the potential of biotech in revolutionising industries like healthcare. The Covid-19 pandemic, EarlyBirds mentions, reminded us of the significance of biopharmaceutical innovators, thanks to how the world in a very short time could find a solution in the form of vaccines. The mRNA technology witnessed an uptick in its research and emerged as a viable vector for vaccine-related developments in future.

Now, researchers, scientists and other stakeholders are even more hopeful of the strides that the world can make by adopting biotech, particularly in leveraging of the domain with the goal of making healthcare systems more effective. EarlyBirds states that prevention and cure of diseases can get a positive boost by using biotech in better understanding of human body's molecular and physiological processes.

AI and healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining traction each passing day, with its use in the biotech sector also widening. Machine learning algorithms have the capacity to not only gather a large corpus of medical and healthcare related history of patients but also use this data to provide customised treatments. EarlyBirds, a technology facilitator, also mentions how AI has provided a new ray of hope for early detection of disease outbreaks, thereby supporting effective ways to nip the problem in the bud.

From cost-effective genomic testing and therapeutic application of plant and animal biomolecules to cell transplants and biopolymers, new biotech-related innovations are reshaping the future of mankind.

Source: EarlyBirds’ website

EarlyBirds and biotech-related innovations

The platform with over 4.8 million innovations -- related to multiple domains including biotech -- has maps that can help public and private agencies in gaining better insights into core themes. These regularly updated innovation maps keep pace with new capabilities of the global biotech industry, with varied applications including quick adoption of feasible and viable innovations. This way the EarlyBirds platform brings two key stakeholders -- innovators and adopters -- on one page.

The ecosystem supports two programs- Explorer, and Challenger. While the first is a broad-based program to accelerate innovation processes for the whole organisation through "innovation days" and regular webinars, the latter is a targeted program to quickly find solutions to a particular issue and achieve the goal in weeks.

EarlyBirds’ cofounder cites the World Economic Forum's view that the world requires a robust legal framework that can bring together innovators and industry leaders, with governments stepping up establishment of roadmaps for collaboration in the field of biotech. 

Organisations on the lookout to tap into the EarlyBirds' ecosystem's multiple advantages can visit the 'early adopter' section of EarlyBirds’ official website. While innovators can find backers for their ideas by visiting the 'innovator' section.



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