
Arcadia (ASX:AM7) announces regional scale airborne electromagnetic geophysical survey for Namibian lithium brines project

October 12, 2022 07:02 PM AEDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • Arcadia Minerals has partnered with NRG Exploration for an electromagnetic survey over its Bitterwasser Lithium Brines Project.
  • The survey will be aimed towards getting top-quality airborne data for detecting brine deposits, identifying sub-basins and total basin depths for lithium-endowed brine pools, etc.
  • The survey will cover a large portion of the 4,000km2 Bitterwasser Project.
  • Upon successful survey completion, a drilling program will be outlined for the best targets figured out for the project.

Arcadia Minerals Ltd (ASX:AM7 FRA: 8OH) has come up with an interesting update regarding its Bitterwasser Lithium Brines Project, Namibia.

In what comes as a strategic move, the ASX-listed explorer has tasked NRG Exploration CC with the responsibility to conduct a regional‑scale electromagnetic survey over the said project.

NRG Exploration CC is a South Africa-based company specialising in airborne geophysical surveys with expertise in data collection with ultra-high resolution.

Arcadia Minerals has a diversified suite of assets in Namibia with exploration potential for precious and battery metals.

What the survey holds for Arcadia?

The survey is expected to result in some major upgrade in the mining competence of the company.

The survey is aimed at

  • detecting possible deposits of brine at depth on a regional scale, and
  • identifying sub-basins and total basin depths for brine pools enriched with lithium, along with targets associated with tectonic structures showing hydrothermal activity at Bitterwasser.

Source: Company update

Survey outcomes to pave the way for drilling at Bitterwasser

Arcadia plans to conduct the survey in parts starting from the best-known segment of the licences (i.e., the centre), owing to the size of the Bitterwasser Basin and the possibility of identifying multiple targets.

However, the location and coverage of line kilometres are subject to change depending upon the results attained during the survey on a time-to-time basis.

A follow-up survey, if deemed necessary, will be performed as a second phase.

Source: Company update

Upon successful completion, a drilling program will be outlined for the best targets.

Although the prospective electrical EC anomaly below the Eden Pan, where the Bitterwasser Clay Mineral Resource is located, strongly indicates brine activity at a depth of nearly 50 meters, it remains to be tested.

For the anomaly, it has been confirmed that an electro-conductive survey method would be an efficient geological tool to identify pools of brine for follow-up targeted drilling.

All local legal work in place

After rounds of consultation with the communities in the Bitterwasser area, all authorisations and permissions have been secured.

The company is

  • expecting that at least 2,000 line‑kilometres will be flown, and
  • the survey will target a penetration depth of 300 metres. This value is quite within the reach of the inferred basement of the project basin.

AM7 shares traded at AU$0.300on 12 October 2022.



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