New Fluke 1670 Series Multifunction Installation Tester can speed up testing by 30% and cut reporting times in half

September 10, 2024 07:03 AM PDT | By Invezz
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Eindhoven, Netherlands, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eindhoven, Netherlands. 17th July 2024: Fluke, a global technology leader in the manufacture of compact, professional electronic test and measurement tools and software, has launched the new Fluke 1670 Series Multifunction Installation Tester which can cut by up to 50% the amount of time electricians and maintenance technicians spend producing reports.

Designed by Fluke to represent the future of installation testing and become “the most important tool in an electrician’s toolbelt”, the innovative Multifunction Installation Tester also enable tests to be carried out up to 30% faster. Available in three models – ideally suited to the needs of residential, commercial and industrial applications – the tools boost productivity through a user programmable AutoTest function that enables electricians to run an entire automatic installation test sequence at the touch of a button.

Measurement data and metadata from the field are quickly stored, managed and shared using Fluke Connect software while Fluke’s TruTest software simplifies the process of generating documentation. A single click enables inspection reports to be previewed in the field and certificates generated while on-site. Even inspection invoices can be created at the same time. This ability to set up, test, upload and report in an easy, single operation is unique to the Fluke 1670 Series.

Eliminating data double-entry

Whether working in residential, commercial or industrial installation commissioning, electricians will welcome being able to eliminate time-consuming double-entry of data. Results will no longer need to be recorded during testing and then entered manually to a computer, a method that is prone to errors and delays. Wireless Bluetooth connectivity on the Fluke 1670 Series solves this problem by automatically linking test results to the circuit or point under test.

Electricians will also save time by not having to return to a site because key measurements have not been taken or results are found to be incorrect.​ The error-proof Fluke 1670 Series Multifunction Installation Tester show the operator instantly on-site if any tests have been missed. At the same time, automatic measurement validation compares installation test results to an integrated standards reference, delivering an immediate visual indication of pass or fail on the device’s integrated full-colour touchscreen. The clear display includes a full keyboard so there is no requirement for an addition device or laptop to be used for entering notes or editing details.

Jit Patel, Fluke Product Manager for installation testers states “Electricians can spend a minimum of 25% of their time processing data and creating reports and the Fluke 1670 Series Multifunction Installation Tester simply takes this headache away. As a best-in-class electrical installation inspection solution, this device represents a genuine evolution in documenting. Because it simplifies inspection results and reporting, boosts productivity and increases testing accuracy, we expect the Fluke 1670 Series to become the most important tool in an electrician’s toolbelt.”

For more information on the new 1672, 1673 and 1674 Multifunction Installation Testers from Fluke, please visit the website here.

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About Fluke: Fluke’s mission is to be the world leader in compact, professional electronic test tools. The company’s products are used by technicians and engineers in service, installation, maintenance, manufacturing test, and quality functions in a variety of industries throughout the world. Founded in 1948, Fluke has offices in 13 European countries and distributes its products to over 100 countries around the globe. The company’s European revenues contribute approximately 40 per cent of worldwide sales. Fluke’s headquarters are located in Everett, Washington State and the company employs over 2,500 people internationally. Its European sales and service headquarters are located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

FLUKE is a registered trademark of Fluke Corporation. For more information, visit the Fluke website at




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