48 New Food & Beverage Capital Projects In February 2025, Including 33 Processing Facilities And 24 Distribution Centers

March 04, 2025 05:00 AM PST | By Send2Press
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JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla., March 4, 2025 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Industrial SalesLeads has published the February 2025 report on planned capital project spending in the Food and Beverage industry. Research identified a total of 48 new industrial projects within the sector. The Firm monitors planned industrial capital project activity across North America, including new plant construction, facility expansions, and major equipment modernization initiatives.

Industrial SalesLeads has published the February 2025 report on planned capital project spending in the Food and Beverage industry
Image caption: Industrial SalesLeads has published the February 2025 report on planned capital project spending in the Food and Beverage industry.

The following are selected highlights on new Food and Beverage industry construction news.

Food and Beverage Project Type

Processing Facilities – 33 New Projects

Distribution and Industrial Warehouse – 24 New Projects

Food and Beverage Project Scope/Activity

New Construction – 15 New Projects

Expansion – 11 New Projects

Renovations/Equipment Upgrades – 18 New Projects

Plant Closing – 7 New Projects

Food and Beverage Project Location (Top 10 States)

Texas – 6

California – 5

New York – 3

North Carolina – 3

Alabama – 2

Illinois – 2

Indiana – 2

Michigan – 2

Minnesota – 2

Missouri – 2

Largest Planned Project

During the month of February, our research team identified 4 new Food and Beverage facility construction projects with an estimated value of $100 million or more.

The largest project is owned by Summit Next Gen, who is planning to invest $1.6 billion for the construction of a processing facility in HOUSTON, TX. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

Top 10 Tracked Food and Beverage Projects


Bakery company is planning to invest $160 million for the construction of a 267,000 sf processing facility in BURLESON, TX. They have recently received approval for the project.


Dairy products mfr. is planning to invest $110 million for a 100,000 sf expansion and equipment upgrades on their processing and warehouse facility in CORTLANDVILLE, NY. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in Spring 2025, with completion slated for Spring 2026.


Specialty food ingredient mfr. is planning to invest $100 million for equipment upgrades on their processing and warehouse facility in INDIANAPOLIS, IN. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for early Fall 2026.


Beverage company is planning to invest $100 million for the construction of a 240,000 sf distribution and office facility in HARRISBURG, PA. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in Summer 2025, with completion slated for late 2026.


Candy mfr. is planning to invest $98 million for the expansion of their processing and warehouse facility at 235 Industrial Rd. N. in COVINGTON, TN. They have recently received approval for the project.


Meat processing company is planning to invest $50 million for the expansion of their processing and distribution facility in GREELEY, CO. They are currently seeking approval for the project.


Fruit processing company is planning to invest $32 million for the expansion and equipment upgrades on their processing facility in SHELBY, MI. They are currently seeking approval for the project.


Frozen food mfr. is planning for the construction of a 282,000 sf processing and office facility at 3535 Blue Cross Rd. in EAGAN, MN. They are currently seeking approval for the project. They will relocate their operations upon completion in 2027.


Beverage company is planning for the renovation and equipment upgrades on a recently acquired 282,000 sf warehouse facility at 4135 Chesapeake Dr. in CHARLOTTE, NC.


Restaurant chain is planning for the construction of a 116,000 sf distribution center in SALT LAKE CITY, UT. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

About Industrial SalesLeads, Inc.

Since 1959, Industrial SalesLeads, based in Jacksonville, FL is a leader in delivering industrial capital project intelligence and prospecting services for sales and marketing teams to ensure a predictable and scalable pipeline. Our Industrial Market Intelligence, IMI identifies timely insights on companies planning significant capital investments such as new construction, expansion, relocation, equipment modernization and plant closings in industrial facilities. The Outsourced Prospecting Services, an extension to your sales team, is designed to drive growth with qualified meetings and appointments for your internal sales team. Visit us at https://salesleadsinc.com/.

Each month, our team provides hundreds of industrial reports within a variety of industries, including:

More information: https://www.salesleadsinc.com/industry/food-and-beverage/


News Source: Industrial SalesLeads Inc

To view the original post, visit: https://www.send2press.com/wire/48-new-food-beverage-capital-projects-in-february-2025-including-33-processing-facilities-and-24-distribution-centers/.

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