Launches to Accelerate Rare Disease Diagnoses Through Sponsored Genetic Testing

February 28, 2025 01:04 PM AEDT | By EIN Presswire
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Findings suggest 10% of children may qualify for no-cost genetic testing programs, potentially reducing diagnostic delays for rare diseases

PALO ALTO, CA, UNITED STATES, February 27, 2025 / --, a comprehensive online resource cataloging over 30 no-cost genetic testing programs across seven laboratories, officially launches today in conjunction with Rare Disease Day 2025. The platform addresses a critical need in the rare disease community by centralizing information about sponsored genetic testing opportunities for patients and healthcare providers.

**Over 10% of Children May Qualify for Sponsored Genetic Testing**

Research conducted by the team behind indicates that more than 10% of children in the United States may be eligible for sponsored genetic testing based on established clinical criteria.¹ This includes:
• Approximately 7% of children with severe obesity²
• About 4% with an unprovoked seizure during childhood³
With individuals with bilateral hearing loss, abnormalities in certain lab values each adding 1%. These statistics highlight the significant potential impact of improving access to diagnostic genetic testing, particularly in pediatric populations where early diagnosis can substantially alter clinical trajectories.

**Extensive Database: Over 30 Tests Across 7 Laboratories and Growing**
The research identified a significant gap between available sponsored testing programs and awareness among healthcare providers. aims to connect patients with tests that can potentially reduce their diagnostic odyssey, which currently averages 5 years or more for rare disease patients.
The platform features a comprehensive database of sponsored genetic tests for both children and adults. Key testing categories include:
- Neurologic Disorders: ALS, Frontotemporal Dementia, early-onset seizure disorders
- Metabolic Disorders: Lysosomal Storage Disorders, Urea Cycle Disorders
- Eye Diseases: Inherited Retinal Diseases including Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Skeletal Dysplasias: Conditions affecting bone and cartilage development
- Cardiovascular Disorders: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Skin Conditions: Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum, Epidermolysis Bullosa

**Dynamic Resource: Continuously Updated as Sponsored Programs Evolve** actively seeks submissions from laboratories offering sponsored testing programs to continue expanding their database. The platform serves as a comprehensive resource for healthcare providers, genetic counselors, patient advocates, and individuals navigating the complex landscape of genetic testing.
**About** is dedicated to improving access to genetic testing for rare disease diagnosis by cataloging sponsored testing programs available at no cost to eligible patients. The platform aims to accelerate diagnosis for rare disease patients by connecting them and their healthcare providers with appropriate testing resources.

1. analysis of sponsored genetic testing eligibility criteria, 2025.
2. JAMA Network. Prevalence of Obesity Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 2022-2023. JAMA. 2023;330(23):2303-2305.
3. American Academy of Family Physicians. Childhood Seizures: Epidemiology and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2000;62(5):1109-1116.

Avi Kumar
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