State Grid Taizhou Luqiao District Power Supply Company: 5.6 kilometers of new lines! Provide timely electricity for farmland irrigation and drainage

August 12, 2024 08:19 PM AEST | By Cision
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TAIZHOU, China, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "Thanks to your timely construction of new lines and replacement of old conductors for us, irrigation and drainage are now more convenient." On August 11th, power supply employees of State Grid Taizhou Luqiao District Power Supply Company came to Xiameng Village, Jinqing Town to comprehensively "diagnose" key lines and power supply facilities for irrigation and drainage, ensuring that farmers have no worries about electricity for irrigation and drainage, and received unanimous praise from farmers.

Originally, at the end of last year, considering the needs of planting rice, vegetables, and electricity safety, the village committee of Xiameng Village submitted an electricity application to State Grid Taizhou Luqiao District Power Supply Company. Immediately, the power supply employees went to Xiameng Village for on-site investigation. After understanding the actual electricity demand of the village, they opened a "green channel" for optimizing the power grid structure of Xiameng Village at the first time, formulated on-site plans for adding and transforming lines, allocated materials and personnel, and fully promoted the implementation of the project, promoting the dual improvement of electricity quality and quantity in rural areas.

As of the end of July, State Grid Taizhou Luqiao District Power Supply Company has newly built 70 cement poles in Xiameng Village, erected 2.4 kilometers of new lines, and replaced 3.2 kilometers of old lines. Fundamentally eliminating potential electricity hazards and improving power supply reliability. "Before, during irrigation and drainage at this time, we had to pull 150 meters of wires to get electricity. Now, we can connect nearby, saving time and effort. It's great." Looking at the new lines erected in the fields, the villagers couldn't help but praise with smiles.

Currently, electricity consumption for agricultural irrigation and drainage is gradually increasing. Facing the recent continuous high-temperature weather, in order to ensure the safety and reliability of electricity for agricultural irrigation and drainage pumping, State Grid Taizhou Luqiao District Power Supply Company has formed service teams, actively connected with towns, streets, village committees, and farmers, understood the actual and electricity demand, inspected the power supply lines and electrical equipment for irrigation and drainage in the fields, and explained the safety precautions for electricity use during irrigation and drainage to villagers on-site, corrected irregular electricity use behaviors such as unauthorized connections in a timely manner, and guided villagers to use electricity and safely with high-quality services, fully assisting farmers in increasing production and income.


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