Starlab Advances to Full Development After Successfully Completing Key NASA Milestone

March 04, 2025 08:16 AM AEDT | By Cision
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Full development of the Starlab space station begins following the successful completion of the PDR, ensuring a seamless transition of activity from the International Space Station to commercial destinations.

HOUSTON, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Starlab Space LLC has cleared a major milestone in its commercial space station development, successfully completing the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) in collaboration with NASA, an important step toward full-scale production.

Rendering of Starlab space station in orbit above Earth
Rendering of Starlab space station in orbit above Earth

The completion of the PDR and an exacting level 1 safety review signify that the station's architecture, systems and integration plans are ready to advance the project toward certification with the intent to win a future contract for NASA utilization and astronaut activity. This achievement positions the project for the next phase: detailed design and hardware development, leading to a Critical Design Review to confirm the station's readiness.

"Our successful PDR is a testament to the expertise and dedication of our team," said Tim Kopra, Starlab CEO. "This milestone confirms that our space station design is technically sound and safe for astronaut crewed operations. Now, with our partners, we shift our focus to the full-scale development of the station, including the manufacturing of critical hardware and software integration."

"Starlab's progress underscores our collective commitment to ensuring U.S. leadership in low-Earth orbit with investment and partnership from key allied international organizations and agencies," said Dylan Taylor, chairman and CEO of Voyager Technologies, the majority shareholder in Starlab's joint venture. "We are ready to advance human spaceflight, ensure a continuous human presence in LEO, and build a thriving commercial space ecosystem."

Over the next year, Starlab aims to:

  • Establish a System Integration Lab to serve as the central hub for avionics, computing, sensors and software testing.
  • Procure long lead materials for critical subsystems.
  • Develop a high-fidelity mock-up to support astronaut training and systems testing, with full assembly at NASA's Johnson Space Center this summer.
  • Advance key life support technologies, including an Advanced Urine Processor.
  • Continue progress on the Optical Link Demo Mission, enhancing future deep-space communication capabilities.
  • Begin construction of Engineering Design Units and Protoflight hardware.

The company is also expanding its facilities in Bremen, Germany, to support assembly, integration and testing operations. Earlier this year, Starlab opened a European subsidiary, Starlab Space GmbH, in Bremen to extend the company's capabilities and demonstrate its commitment to its international partners.

In addition to the $217.5 million Starlab received from NASA through the Commercial LEO Destinations Phase 1 program and the $15 million awarded by the Texas Space Commission, Starlab is backed by commitments from joint venture partners across the United States, Europe, Japan and Canada. Collaboration with NASA, as evidenced through the completion of the PDR, and investment from global partners positions Starlab to be a leader in the next era of commercial space exploration, driving scientific discovery and technological advancements that can transform humanity.

About Starlab
Starlab Space is a U.S-led, global joint venture among Voyager Technologies, Airbus, Mitsubishi Corporation and MDA Space, with strategic partners including Palantir Technologies, The Ohio State University, Hilton and more. Starlab is developing a next-generation, AI-enabled commercial space station, aiming to ensure continued human presence in Low-Earth Orbit and a seamless transition of microgravity science and research alongside the retirement of the International Space Station. For more information on Starlab, visit



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