Roborock Reveals How to Coexist with Animals and Technology at Home

August 08, 2024 03:00 PM AEST | By Cision
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Roborock experts share tips for peaceful home life with pets

SYDNEY, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Animals and technology: a combination that can be challenging for those living in smart homes. In increasingly connected households, where devices communicate with residents, move autonomously, and manage the home with ease, it is essential to consider their interaction with pets, who are sensitive to unusual stimuli and noises.

Roborock Flexi Lite
Roborock Flexi Lite

To celebrate International Cat Day (August 8) and Dog Day (August 26), Roborock shares useful practices to ensure pets feel protected and comfortable at home – especially for Aussies who are known for their love of pets.

As a leading manufacturer of smart home cleaning devices, Roborock has extensive experience studying animal behavior in relation to smart technology.

"The fundamental issue is that pets have very different personalities and needs. When designing our products, we aim to find a balance and make compromises. Meeting the needs of a single pet is not difficult; the real challenge is to make the same vacuum cleaner adaptable to a wide variety of domestic environments with animals," says Yuxuan Li from the Roborock Research and Development team.

Dogs and Cats: Different Approaches to Technology

Dogs and cats interact differently with technology in the home. Generally, dogs approach technology with curiosity, while cats are more cautious and distrusting. Dogs are more sensitive to sounds, whereas cats respond more to movement. Both, however, react to the sensory stimuli produced by IoT devices and need help orienting themselves within the smart home.

"The load capacity of our devices takes into account scenarios where pets, cats in particular, might climb onto the vacuum cleaner, and the LDS system ensures operational capability even in the presence of obstacles during mapping and navigation." continued Yuxuan Li.

"At the same time, when you come across dogs bothering the robot vacuum cleaner, the robot must continue to clean diligently, without 'giving up'. It must therefore have several flexible navigation strategies to manage different, often unexpected scenarios, completing household chores without interruptions."

Dogs and cats vs IoT technology: addressing pets' fear of technology

Instead of talking about "fear of technology," it is more accurate to say that dogs and cats can be afraid of specific stimuli associated with it. To minimise disturbances, it's advised to avoid loud and sudden noises that can scare animals, such as those from blenders, notifications, and vibrations.

If your dog or cat shows signs of fear of a particular device or technology, it is important to:

  • Create a positive association with the device by rewarding them with treats or praise when they remain calm in its presence.
  • Do not force them to approach or interact with the device.
  • Gradually introduce the device, starting from a low distance and intensity level.
  • Consult a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist for professional help if the fear persists.

Roborock's S8 MaxV Ultra and Qrevo MaxV robot vacuum cleaner is designed with the sensitivity of pets in mind. Both can identify and recognise animals, activating a special function to avoid scaring them by stopping the main brush and moving to the side.

Technology as an Ally: Ensuring Pet Supervision

Dogs and cats notice flashing lights and bright screens, potentially becoming curious or frightened depending on their personality and past experiences.

Roborock's R&D experts have found the best ways to monitor pets at home when owners are away for short periods. Roborock robot vacuum cleaners, including the S8 MaxV Ultra and Qrevo MaxV, can discreetly monitor pets and have built-in cameras to take photos of them or start a call to let them hear the familiar voice of their owners, even when under the care of a pet sitter.

Happy Pets, Relaxed Owners

Ultimately, the key to peaceful coexistence between animals and technology at home is balance. Roborock suggests using technology consciously to improve daily life and optimise household chores, while adopting precautions to protect pets from potential dangers and stress. Pet Month is an ideal opportunity to spend quality time with our four-legged friends, even away from screens. Interacting with animals can reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness, encourage physical exercise, and positively impact overall health.

About Roborock 

Roborock is a leading smart cleaning brand renowned for its intelligent cleaning solutions. With a steadfast dedication to becoming a global leading smart appliance player, Roborock enriches lives with its innovative line of robotic, cordless, wet/dry vacuum cleaners, and washer-dryers. Rooted in a user-centric approach, our R&D-driven solutions cater to diverse cleaning needs in over 15 million homes across 170+ countries. Headquartered in Beijing and with strategic subsidiaries in key markets, including the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, and South Korea, Roborock is dedicated to elevating its market presence worldwide. For more information, visit   

Roborock Qrevo MaxV
Roborock Qrevo MaxV


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