New Challenger in the Entertainment Smartphone Market: Start24 Launched

December 08, 2023 12:58 AM PST | By Cision
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SINGAPORE, Dec. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Playground, leading various IT projects from its bases in Singapore, Korea, and Vietnam, has unveiled a new smartphone, START24. Despite being in the mid-low price range, START24 throws down the gauntlet to the market with a unique concept as an 'entertainment phone', equipped with a large 6.81-inch screen and flamboyant LED lighting.

Let START24 Spark Up Your Music Experience Like Never Before!
Let START24 Spark Up Your Music Experience Like Never Before!

The hallmark of START24 is that it offers an experience that goes beyond a mere communication tool. It adds joy to users' daily lives through its various smartphone platform features. Notably, it comes standard with a digital wallet and the AI chatbot 'ChatGPT', allowing users to experience a level of convenience and fun that is different from conventional smartphones.

Furthermore, START24 has introduced a membership system for purchasers, offering up to a 30% discount on each new model released. This aspect strengthens START24's competitiveness and is expected to be particularly appealing to young consumers who seek high value for the price.

Playground plans to aggressively target emerging markets such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa with START24. These regions are still relatively less influenced by major smartphone manufacturers, presenting a significant opportunity for an innovative product like Start24 to carve out a market.

In the era of Web3.0, Playground is attempting a new way of app store operation by introducing a decentralized app store, which will provide more value to both developers and consumers. This strategy represents a differentiated approach from the traditional centralized app stores, expected to offer users a broader freedom of choice and new experiences.

The launch of START24 is seen as more than just a product release; it heralds a shift in the tech industry's paradigm. The industry is closely watching the innovative and transformative moves of START24.

About Playground

Playground operates in various fields, including the development of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, online game development, O2O platforms, and smartphone operating system development, providing an optimal experience for users.


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