Mobile App Cybersecurity: The Growing Threat Landscape and Solutions by HyperG Smart Security

April 17, 2024 10:10 AM CEST | By Cision

TAIPEI, April 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As cybersecurity threats grow worldwide, HyperG Smart Security, a leader in Security-as-a-Service solutions, is highlighting the major vulnerabilities and threat vectors of mobile apps while offering solutions for developers across both Android and iOS.

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Recent insights from the 2023 Global Mobile Threat Report by mobile security vendor Zimperium highlight an alarming surge in detected vulnerabilities. The report found "a 138% increase in critical Android vulnerabilities discovered in 2022, while Apple iOS accounted for 80% of the zero-day vulnerabilities actively being exploited in the wild."

On top of growing threat levels, a survey from the organization OWASP (Open Worldwide Application Security Project) identified that a frequent oversight in mobile app development is the absence of memory protection against debugging capabilities.

"Mobile apps are flourishing, particularly gaming apps," noted Allen Lin General Manager at HyperG Smart Security. "In this dynamic world, staying ahead of threats is not an option, but a necessity. Hacks of mobile apps share several factors in common, and we're addressing these with solutions for developers to stay multiple steps ahead."

With app source code as the main aspect to keep protected, HyperG Smart Security has identified the major vulnerabilities in the mobile app threat landscape:

  • Reverse engineering: Apps are susceptible to hackers reverse engineering an app by decompilation, which enables them to directly view an app's source code and expose weaknesses. In turn, hackers can then recreate and repackage it into a counterfeit app.
  • Anti-debugging: Due to inadequate memory, debugging can enable unauthorized control of the app, leading to extraction of both app and user data.
  • Lack of encryption: Without effective encryption, a staggering 80% of app data is readily accessible to hackers. User data is also exposed, and lack of encryption further enables man-in-the-middle attacks that intercept processes between the app and the server.
  • Integrity protection: Through reverse engineering, genuine apps can be repackaged into deceptive versions, misleading users and jeopardizing data.

Security solutions for mobile app developers

When selecting security tools for mobile app development, support for both iOS and Android and compliance with MAS or OWASP criteria are key factors to consider.

Checking all these boxes, HyperG's appGuard Security-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a powerful solution crafted to address the current threat landscape. Based on the robust AES-256 encryption standard as its foundation and with EAL2 Common Criteria certification, appGuard's method of encrypting and decrypting source code protects from the bottom layer, preventing any other app from spying on the source code or the phone's data via memory error detection. Ideal for apps that are frequently revised, it does not modify app source code and offers efficient ease-of-use.

After a mobile app's source code is evaluated, black-box testing is performed, and then the app is protected with a solution like appGuard, the final step for devs is to use a security detection and evaluation tool. Several solutions such as AppTotalGo and AppSweep offer rigorous security evaluations, covering source code protection level, anti-memory detection, and integrity verification.

Beyond mobile app security-as-a-service solutions, HyperG Smart Security also offers security testing services powered by a robust array of physical mobile phones, ensuring that an app's source code undergoes rigorous testing during the development cycle.

About HyperG Smart Security

HyperG Smart Security is a Singapore-based joint venture by Taiwan's Digicentre, a subsidiary of Gamania Group, and Malaysia's Simsense. With well-established global sales channels, HyperG Smart Security is devoted to developing security products for smart technologies as it becomes a world-class smart security company and sales platform.


Focusing on "Developing Cyber Security Technologies", HyperG Smart Security aims to be a world's leading provider of cyber security services and devotes itself to application innovation and R&D revolving around the five fields of "Cloud", "Security", "Action", "Big data" and "Internet of Things".


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Theresa Yeh
Senior Manager
[email protected] 


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