Huawei Released the Financial AI-based Contact Center Solution 2.0, Empowering the Global Financial Industry

March 05, 2024 06:32 PM AEDT | By Cision
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BARCELONA, Spain, March 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At MWC Barcelona 2024, Huawei released the Financial AI-based Contact Center Solution 2.0, aiming to reduce cost and improve efficiency for financial industry.

The Launch Conference
The Launch Conference

Sophie Chen, Marketing Director of Huawei Software, and Frank Lu, Executive Solution Manager of the Huawei Digital Finance BU, discussed the trends of digitalization in the finance industry. With the swift progress of LLM-based AI in the past year, numerous financial institutions have embraced AI and accelerated its implementation in various scenarios, such as chatbots, intelligent quality inspection and digital human, that significantly enhance operational efficiency. In the future, the depth and breadth of AI applications will be the differentiator for financial institutions to their business growth. A future-oriented digital foundation is an absolute necessity.

With 30-years experiences in contact centers, Huawei, a leader in the communication industry, has a deep understanding of 5G, AI, cloud, and HD video technologies. These new technologies reduce cost and improve efficiency for financial industry, where they focus on three core capabilities: LLM-based AI, omni-channel access, and openness and orchestration. At the conference, the spotlight is on the LLM-based AI and brand-new WFM (WorkForce Management) module.

For LLM based-AI, Huawei provides end-to-end process AI capabilities, including digital human, outbound tele-marketing, and intelligent quality inspection. Additionally, Huawei AICC has integrated Huawei Pangu model and pre-integrated 3rd party LLM. The interactive digital human can quickly answer user questions. The intelligent agent assistant helps identify emotions, recommends scripts, provides 360-degree views of customers, reduces workload by 90%, and offers intelligent training to shorten new employee orientation.

For WFM, Huawei AICC has flexible scheduling capabilities and self-developed core scheduling algorithms, supporting scheduling by week, month, shift, etc., helping customers efficiently schedule. Project shows that WFM can greatly enhance the overall efficiency of human resource allocation and improve customer connection rate. Huawei AICC also supports multi-channel and multi-tenant scheduling prediction for up to 12-18 months accurately.

As a leader in contact center, Huawei serves more than 1500 customers, 700,000 agents, and 1.8 billion users worldwide. With the launch of Huawei Financial AI-based Contact Center Solution 2.0, Huawei has reaffirmed its commitment to excellence in innovation and customer service. We hope it will bring more value to global finance industry.

Learn more about Huawei AICC financial solution, please visit: 


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