Hesai Selected by Top European OEM For Exclusive Multi-Year Lidar Contract On Its Next-Generation Global Platform

March 11, 2025 09:09 AM AEDT | By Cision
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PALO ALTO, Calif., March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Hesai Technology (NASDAQ: HSAI), the global leader in lidar technology for automotive mobility and robotics applications, announced today a new exclusive design win with a leading European OEM. Hesai will provide advanced ultra-long-range automotive lidars for the OEM's upcoming platform, including both internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric vehicle (EV) models. This multi-year program will last into the next decade, marking it the largest global program for the automotive lidar industry.

"This long-term partnership is a resounding endorsement of our unrivaled performance and quality. Meeting the rigorous standards of a market leader, our quality has become our namecard—a powerful symbol of excellence and a vote of confidence in our visionary future. We are immensely proud to empower the future of mobility, with our state-of-the-art lidar technology playing a pivotal role in conventional and electric vehicle platforms," said Hesai CEO and Co-Founder David Li. "This design win illustrates the importance of lidar technology for the future of advanced intelligent driving systems, helping to enhance safety, prevent accidents, and save lives."

As of February 2025, Hesai has earned 120 design wins across 22 automotive OEMs. In December 2024, Hesai became the first lidar company in the world to deliver more than 100,000 units in a single month.

About Hesai Technology

Hesai Technology (Nasdaq: HSAI) is a global leader in lidar solutions. The company's lidar products enable a broad spectrum of applications including passenger and commercial vehicles ("ADAS"), as well as autonomous driving vehicles and robotics and other non-automotive applications such as last-mile delivery robots and AGVs ("Robotics"). Hesai seamlessly integrates its in-house manufacturing process with lidar R&D and design, enabling rapid product iteration while ensuring high performance, high quality and affordability. The company's commercially validated solutions are backed by superior R&D capabilities across optics, mechanics, and electronics. Hesai has established offices in Shanghai, Palo Alto and Stuttgart, with customers spanning more than 40 countries.


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