November 11, 2024 12:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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SHANGHAI, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As a pivotal step on its path to introduce the industry's first 100% sustainable-material tire by 2030, Goodyear unveiled an ElectricDrive Sustainable-Material (EDS) Tire at the ESG and Sustainable Development Leadership Forum held during the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE).

Goodyear's ElectricDrive Sustainable-Material Tire: China's first ISCC mark retail tire containing over 70% sustainable-material

With the boom of electric vehicles (EVs) and world-wide focus on sustainability, the demand for high-performing, durable and sustainable-material tires has increased. Goodyear's EDS tire is engineered specifically for EVs, delivering superior wet braking and handling, reduced noise, lower rolling resistance and long mileage.

Goodyear EDS Tire Displayed at 2024 CIIE
Goodyear EDS Tire Displayed at 2024 CIIE

The tire is made with recycled and bio-based materials, including carbon black sourced from end-of-life tires and recycled polyester. Available on Tmall in December 2024, Goodyear's EDS tire provides EV drivers an option of high-performing tires with ISCC-certified sustainable-material. Starting from Q1 2025, consumers in other Asia Pacific markets will be able to purchase Goodyear's EDS tire.

The unwavering path to a 100% sustainable-material tire

At the CIIE forum, Nat Madarang, Goodyear Asia Pacific President reiterated Goodyear's commitment to introduce the industry's first 100% sustainable-material tire by 2030, "Goodyear has integrated corporate responsibility into its company culture. This commitment is deeply rooted within Goodyear's Corporate Responsibility framework, known as Goodyear Better Future. The framework's pillars — Sustainable Sourcing, Responsible Operations, Advanced Mobility and Inspiring Culture continue to guide Goodyear's global operations."

Nat Madarang, Goodyear Asia Pacific President Speaking at 2024 CIIE
Nat Madarang, Goodyear Asia Pacific President Speaking at 2024 CIIE

Celebrating Goodyear's 30th anniversary in China: its sustainability story recognized by China Sustainability Tribune

2024 marks Goodyear's 30th anniversary in China. In recognition of Goodyear's efforts in advancing mobility and sustainability, Goodyear's sustainability story was honored as one of China's top 9 best practices in corporate responsibility at the ESG and Sustainability Leadership Forum.

Goodyear’s sustainability story honored as one of China’s top 9 best practices in corporate responsibility
Goodyear’s sustainability story honored as one of China’s top 9 best practices in corporate responsibility

"We are thrilled to receive this recognition," said Madarang. "Goodyear's innovative spirit places us at the forefront of this mobility revolution as we collaborate with customers and innovators alike to shape its trajectory. We eagerly anticipate what lies ahead for mobility and are excited about our contributions to advancing tire performance within this transformative landscape."

About The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Goodyear is one of the world's largest tire companies. It employs about 71,000 people and manufactures its products in 54 facilities in 21 countries around the world. Its two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio, and Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, strive to develop state-of-the-art products and services that set the technology and performance standard for the industry. For more information about Goodyear and its products, go to


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