SINGAPORE, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- To celebrate the listing of $AB, Bitget ( and AB DAO have launched the PoolX & CandyBomb dual airdrop event, rewarding BGB, BTC, ETH holders as well as deposit and trading participants. Tens of thousands of users will have the chance to win a total of 235,502,000 $AB, valued at over $3.5 million.
Event 1: PoolX – Stake BTC, ETH, and BGB to Earn AB Rewards Total Prize Pool: 165,607,000 AB Eligible Assets for Staking: BTC, ETH, BGB Details & Participation:
Event 2: CandyBomb – Deposit & Trade $AB to Earn Airdrop Rewards Total Prize Pool: 69,895,000 AB How to Participate: Deposit or trade $AB to qualify for the airdrop Details & Participation:
Click the links above to participate or share this airdrop event and invite more users to join the AB DAO ecosystem.
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