2023 Global Business and Law Conference held in Beijing

September 24, 2023 06:51 PM AEST | By Cision
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BEIJING, Sept. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2023 Global Business and Law Conference was held in Beijing on the evening of September 22. At the opening ceremony, former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, and WTO Deputy Director-General Zhang Xiangchen delivered video messages. Wang Binying, WIPO Deputy Director-General; Shoichi Okuyama, President of the AIPPI; and Marcelo Vazquez-Bermudez, First Vice-President of the International Law Commission (ILC), delivered speeches at the venue.

Ren Hongbin, CCPIT President, presided over the opening ceremony and issued Beijing Declaration of the Global Business and Law Conference on behalf of participants. The Declaration features: safeguarding the multilateral trading system and advancing the global governance reform; strengthening the role of the rule of law and stimulating enterprise innovation; deepening international exchanges on rule of law and fostering global business cooperation; improving international economic and trade rules and optimizing business environment; gathering global forces to achieve common prosperity.

At the main forum, Tao Kaiyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People's Court; Zhang Mingqi, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Law Society; Wu Pengyi, Permanent Secretary of Singapore's Ministry of Law and Second Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; John Denton, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce (video), and Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah, former Hong Kong Justice Secretary, delivered keynote speeches. Yu Jianlong, Vice President of CCPIT, presided over the forum. Huang Jin, President of the Chinese Society of International Law; Stephan Wernicke, Chief Legal Officer of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce; Sheng Leiming, Vice President of All China Lawyers Association; Zhang Jinwei, Vice President of Alibaba Group; and C.M. Chan, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong, entered into discussions around the theme to promote the construction of an open world economy.

Approximately 500 people attended offline, including representatives of international organizations such as the WTO, the WIPO, the ILC, and the AIPPI, representatives of government departments of Canada, Germany, Singapore, representatives of envoys in China, Chinese and foreign legal service organizations, business associations, and enterprises, and local and industry trade promotion associations. Representatives from over 30 countries, including Egypt, Thailand, India, Japan, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Britian, France, Belgium, Italy, and the U.S., attended online.

Three parallel forums themed "strengthening law-based protection for innovative development", "leveraging rule of law to foster business cooperation" and "improving international rule of law and leading the change of the times" will be held on September 23.




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