Glancing at theisms & atheism

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 Glancing at theisms & atheism
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  • There are more than seven billion people on this planet: all worshipping and admiring their own Gods.
  • The idea of God first emerged to emancipate the world from the miseries and through decades it has taken different forms.
  • With better rationality and education different kinds of theisms are evolving and it is interesting to note how the idea of God differs among people of different caste, class, religion, race, and gender.

Defining one’s religious and spiritual orientation can be a challenging task in the present contemporary world. In the past, most people adhered to the organised sects of varied religions; however, with the advent of education, the power of questions has emerged effectively! So, when questions come, different forms of theism and atheism emerge.

There are more than seven billion people on this planet: all worshipping and admiring their own Gods. Some admire one God, some do multiple Gods, some don’t do any and some say it's difficult to quantify or qualify. 

The interesting part is none is wrong, and none is right because no one has seen God. So, any belief and even no belief stands perfected. Thus, now we have different kinds of theism and atheism existing in our society.

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The idea of religion & God

Image source: Pixabay

So, what is theism?

Theism talks about belief in God. Here, God can be anything, but something which is above human capacity. It can be someone who has created the universe, given birth to all life forms or some sort of energy that is channelling the course of the universe.

Now, there are different kinds of theisms existing in our society, let’s have a short look at them:

  • Agnostic Theism: People who call themselves agnostics basically believe that there is no identified God as such; however, they do believe that there is some supernatural identity that is forming the course of the universe.
  • Monotheism: Monotheistic people are those who believe that there is only one God, and no other identity can be called as God. They have a firm belief in the existence of one God. People adhering to Abrahamic religions are mostly monotheists.
  • Deism: This is another interesting form of theism. People following Deism believe in natural religion, the religion that emerges with oneself and is revealed through nature, they do not follow any organised religion.
  • Henotheism: Henotheism can be called the polite version of monotheism. People who adhere to henotheism believe and worship one supreme God; however, they do not deny the existence of other Gods from different religions.

God & man

Image source: Pixabay

  • Polytheism: Polytheism is most common in the East. Polytheists are people who believe and worship multiple Gods. People following Polytheism can also follow different religions at the same time.
  • Pantheism: Another polite form of theism is Pantheism; here people believe that there is no particular identity of God and everything that the universe upholds is God. It’s the energy that encompasses every cell; this energy is God.
  • Atheism: Now, the last but not the least is atheism. Atheism rejects the idea of God. Atheists believe that there is no supernatural being which is above humans. They reject the idea that some being has created the universe. They perceive the reality as it is and do not believe in something which does not have a proof in reality.

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Bottom line

There can be other forms of theisms too; however, the above ones are the most prevalent ones. The idea of God first emerged to emancipate the world from the miseries and through decades it has taken different forms. For some religion has done wonders and for some, disasters. However, with better rationality and education different kinds of theisms are evolving and it is interesting to note how the idea of God differs among people of different caste, class, religion, race, and gender.


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