Health insurance trends revealed in UK study

July 18, 2023 08:52 PM AEST | By Daniel Tannenbaum (Contributing Author)
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After it was reported that nearly half a million people took out private health insurance in 2022, a recent survey conducted by myTribe Insurance revealed intriguing insights regarding adults' attitudes towards health insurance.

Surprisingly, the study by the leading private health insurance and healthcare information service revealed that approximately one-third (33%) of adults, irrespective of their financial capabilities, do not consider obtaining any form of health insurance. Moreover, a significant 82% of respondents aged between 50 and 64 have already dismissed the idea.

What are the key findings of the health insurance survey?

Despite ongoing challenges within the NHS, the results suggest that a considerable 69% of people who took part in the survey admitted to having some or no awareness about health insurance.

This lack of awareness is concerning, given the important role that health insurance can play in securing timely and quality healthcare. In fact, only 14% of the adults surveyed responded that they were covered under a health insurance scheme.

Interestingly, 10% of respondents who currently do not possess private health insurance expressed a possibility of considering it in the future. This hints at the potential for a shift in attitudes and behaviors.

Notably, adults living in London demonstrated a higher inclination towards future insurance policy acquisition, with 18% expressing interest, compared to 11% in the Midlands.

What are the perks of health insurance?

The decision to forgo health insurance can have significant consequences for individuals, as it leaves them vulnerable to unexpected medical expenses and potential delays in accessing necessary healthcare services.

With private health insurance, people can enjoy expedited access to healthcare, bypassing long waiting lists commonly experienced within the NHS. This means faster consultations, diagnostics, and treatments, ensuring timely care when it is needed the most.

Another advantage of health insurance is the authority to select from a huge range of healthcare providers, including hospitals, specialists, and consultants. This flexibility empowers policyholders to select healthcare professionals based on personal preferences, expertise, and reputation, enhancing their control over their healthcare journey.

Some health insurance policies also offer coverage for wellness schemes and preventive care services. This consists of regular vaccinations, health check-ups, screenings, and lifestyle support, letting people maintain their health and prevent potential health issues with proactive steps.

Should I consider getting health insurance?

Overall, health insurance provides individuals with peace of mind, knowing they have financial protection in the event of unforeseen medical emergencies or health-related expenses. Having health insurance coverage alleviates concerns about the cost of treatments, allowing people to focus on their well-being and recovery.

Considering the advantages such as faster access to healthcare, choice of providers, specialised treatments, comfortable accommodations and comprehensive services, individuals can make an informed decision about obtaining health insurance to safeguard their health.

The findings of the myTribe Insurance study emphasize on the need for increased education and awareness regarding health insurance among the adult population in the UK. By empowering individuals with knowledge about the advantages and options available, we can potentially bridge the gap and encourage more individuals to consider obtaining health insurance.

Ultimately, this can lead to improved access to healthcare and better overall well-being for individuals across the country.


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