Five tips for first-time agents to rack up successful insurance sales

May 23, 2022 06:15 PM AEST | By Kenny Kline (Guest)
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Being an insurance agent is a rewarding career. It doesn't only offer excellent income potential, but you can also have the opportunity to help people protect their finances and their health. Another benefit of being an insurance agent is being able to work independently while having the option to continuously work with others.

Therefore, becoming an insurance agent is one of the most fulfilling careers. However, like any other job, you must learn some tips to ensure that you will become a successful insurance agent and get the most out of this career.

If you plan to become an insurance agent, here are some tips that could help you become successful in this new career.

Use a Live Transfer Insurance Lead

A live transfer insurance lead will help you reach potential customers ready to purchase insurance. One of the most challenging parts of being an insurance agent is offering your product.

Unfortunately, not all individuals you approach are willing to purchase insurance when you offer it. Therefore, sales success hinges on the right timing and the right person to approach.

If you offer your insurance product to the people ready to purchase it, you will significantly increase your sales. If you want a sureshot sale, you can get quality leads with insurance leads with live transfer. With this platform, you can get hold of the opportunity to increase your sales.

Set a Reasonable Expectation

Managing your limitations is one of the best tips to abide by if you want to become successful. However, we are now living in a fast-paced world where everything can be acquired instantly. This is why making slow progress can be frustrating in this world. As a result, you will be disappointed with your new career and decide to stop.

If you manage your expectations, you will anticipate any challenges and failures you encounter along the way. Because of this, you will be able to prepare and come up with a solution instead of being frustrated and disappointed.

Most new insurance agents tend to overlook this tip. They don't understand how crucial this advice is to achieve success, especially in their chosen field. When new agents see how much money seasoned insurance agents make, they also expect to earn as much.

However, it is not realistic. As a newbie in this field, you will need more time and effort to be where experienced agents are now.

Always Listen Before You Speak

Just because you are the one who sells the insurance doesn’t mean that you are also the one who gets to speak more. To become a successful insurance agent, you should also learn to listen. It is crucial to hear all the problems faced by your customers.

After that, you can reply, focusing on providing solutions to the customer's pain points. Show them how your insurance product will help them put their worries at ease. This tip will turn you from being a good insurance agent into being a great insurance agent.

More importantly, avoid getting ahead of yourself. As a first-time insurance agent, it is normal to feel uneasy and nervous, and because of this, you can lose focus. However, it would be best if you don’t forget to let the customer speak first before you answer.

Let them feel that they are the centre of the conversation and that it is their problem you are finding a solution to. As a result, they will feel that they needed you more than you needed them.

Learn the 8 Qualities of Being a Good Insurance Agent

A good insurance agent should possess excellent qualities to help them succeed in this business. So, if you want to become one of the best, you should also adopt these qualities and use them when you sell your insurance.

Here are the eight qualities you should learn and have if you want to become a better insurance agent and earn as much as seasoned agents.

  1. Know how to put the client's needs first
  2. Good customer service
  3. Excellent emotional intelligence
  4. High energy
  5. Honesty
  6. Persistence
  7. Technical know-how
  8. Offer a wide range of product options

You should familiarise yourself with these traits and learn them. Once you have learned these traits, practice them every time you handle your clients so that it becomes natural to you. If you do this, you will see a significant increase in sales.

Look for a Support System

Many newbie insurance agents think that they are ready to sell when they receive their licence. This mentality is wrong and will not help them achieve success. You have to remember that sales and licensing are two distinct facets of the entire concept of being an insurance agent.

Instead of jumping the gun and start offering your product, why not take it slow and create a plan? The first thing you should consider is to find a support system. Without a support system, agents might experience stress and burnout in case they are not able to sell even a single insurance.

That is why a support system is vital. Look for a mentor who will act as your support system. A mentor can provide advice that you can find effective in the real world.

Become the Best Insurance Agent in Your Area

It is not an impossible feat to becoming a good insurance agent. With hard work, perseverance, proper knowledge, and tips, it’s possible to become one of the best in the field. You might find it hard to reach your goal, but you can now know where to start and what to do with the tips provided.


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