
Evion Group (ASX: EVG) Shares Surge 12.5% on Maiden Graphite Shipment to Europe

March 12, 2025 04:23 PM AEDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • Evion Group shares jumped 12.50% following a successful graphite shipment to Europe.
  • The maiden shipment generates approximately AUD 400k in sales for the joint venture.
  • Evion expects monthly shipments of 150mt, generating AUD 750k in revenue.
  • Expandable graphite demand grows as industries like aerospace, EVs, and energy storage expand.

Shares of Evion Group NL (ASX:EVG) are soaring on the ASX today, climbing 12.50% to reach AUD 0.018. This surge followed the company’s recent announcement of a successful maiden shipment of 80 metric tons (mt) of expandable graphite to its offtake buyer in Europe.

Successful Shipment Boosts JV Revenue

The shipment has generated approximately AUD400k in sales and revenue for the Joint Venture (JV), a 50/50 partnership between Evion Group and Metachem Manufacturing Company Pvt Ltd, operating under the Panthera Graphite Technologies banner. The shipments follow product blending and optimisation at the Pune production facility in India to meet the required product specifications.

Optimising Production and Revenue

Reflecting on the development, Mr David Round, Evion’s Managing Director, commented, “Production has continued to ramp up over the past month, and an extensive inventory of expandable graphite is awaiting final treatment based on the requirement of our main offtake buyer in Europe. We expect these processing times to improve with shipments each month of 150mt in the short term and invoicing of around AUD 750,000 per month to the JV.”

Feasibility Study Update and Madagascar Meetings

Mr Round also highlighted that the company plans to update its Feasibility Study for the Expandable Graphite JV, aiming to demonstrate the positive returns that the planned Stage 2 and Stage 3 operations are expected to generate. Additionally, key meetings are scheduled this week in Madagascar to ensure continued progress in the region.

Growing Demand for Expandable Graphite

Expandable graphite plays a critical role in industries such as aerospace, electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, and electronics, all of which are expected to grow considerably in the coming years. The JV team remains focused on fulfilling the balance of the first sales order of 306mt, making it a key priority ahead of invoicing in the short term.

Looking ahead, the JV expects a significant increase in shipments and revenue as operations ramp up in preparation for Stage 2 expansion. The demand for the JV’s product is growing steadily, with new product orders anticipated to exceed USD 4,500 per metric ton.


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