
What makes Invion (ASX:IVX) well placed to tap opportunities in the biotech space

July 18, 2022 10:50 AM AEST | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • Biotech companies with a strong technology pipeline and commercial feasibility of innovative therapies present an attractive portfolio to investors
  • Invion is a life sciences company leveraging PhotosoftTM technology to treat different cancers, atherosclerosis, and infectious diseases.
  • Encouraging findings from a PoC study in cancer have boosted Invion’s confidence in the combination of INV043 with immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) therapies.

ASX-listed biotech shares felt continued pressure of market volatility in the financial year 2022. The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 Health Care index, which tracks the healthcare space players listed on the ASX, went down by 6.53% on a year-to-date basis, as of 13 July 2022.  

However, the healthcare space seems to have gained momentum of late. The healthcare index has gained nearly 6.66% so far this month, demonstrating an upward trendline.

On the same line, the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index (Index of Dow Jones) incurred heavy losses and was down 26.76% on a year-to-date basis. However, the index has gained 10.40% so far this month.

All these data points present a glimmer of hope that the sector might rebound this financial year.

Thriving in a tough market

With more and more investors now focusing on good research and strong balance sheets before investing, it has become crucial for companies to make meticulous cash management, financing, and plans for long-term value creation.

A strong technology pipeline and commercial feasibility of innovative therapies are the features that attract investors.

In this backdrop, let us zero in on Invion Limited (ASX:IVX), a life sciences company making serious strides in its journey to develop a cancer treatment.

Factors wheeling Invion (ASX:IVX) to excellence  

The ASX-listed life sciences company is committed to pursuing the R&D (research & development) of PhotosoftTM technology to treat different cancers, infectious diseases, and atherosclerosis.

The company is developing the PhotosoftTM technology as a novel next-generation Photodynamic Therapy (NGPDT), which deploys visible light and non-toxic photosensitisers to kill cancer and promote the immune system.

NGPDT is a model that particularly recognises and destroys cancer cells without harming the body’s normal cells. The cutting-edge technology overpowers the limitations of early PDT technologies and eyes to change the treatment of various cancers.

  • Invion’s lead drug candidate tapping multi-billion-dollar unmet needs

The oncology market surpassed US$271bn in 2021 and is projected to grow at a 10.2% CAGR from 2022 to 2028, according to Global Market Insights. This presents a lucrative opportunity for Invion’s lead drug candidate, INV043. The company describes INV043 as a pathway to an exciting market opportunity valued at multi-billion dollars.

The company’s confidence in INV043 got a solid boost on the back of encouraging results of a proof-of-concept (PoC) study in mice.

INV043 has demonstrated the following properties, as per the proof-of-concept study.

Image source: © 2022 Kalkine Media®, Image description: INV043 featured  

  • Leveraging ICI in combination therapy

Recently, the company shared the findings from a third Proof-of-Concept (PoC) study in cancer. The goal was to assess the outcome of combining INV043 with immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) targeting PD-1. The study results provided convincing grounds for using INV043 in combination with ICI.   

The study was conducted by the company’s research partner, Hudson Institute of Medical Research.

Image description: Immune checkpoint inhibitors

Research reports suggest that the global ICI market was worth US$29.8 million in 2020 and is estimated to reach US$141 billion by 2030, reflecting a CAGR of 16.8%.

  • World-leading partners

Invion works in close collaboration with Hudson Institute of Medical Research and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Hudson Institute of Medical Research, which is backed by 400 plus scientists, is focused on ground-breaking discoveries addressing complex problems in human diseases including cancer.

The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre is engaged in conducting about 500 clinical trials in cancer.

  • Inside Invion’s robust team

Invion’s R&D work is backed by an experienced management team as well as discovery and development experts. The developments at the company are well complemented by a large pool of highly skilled workers and technical professionals.

IVX discovery & development experts (source: company website)

Backed by strategic initiatives, the developments continue to serve as growth catalysts for Invion, which is committed to undertaking clinical studies in multiple cancer indications. 

Invion shares were trading at AU$0.011 in the early hours of 18 July 2022.


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