
Surefire Resources discovers a new gold trend at Yidby

August 04, 2022 07:52 PM AEST | By Akshay
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  • Surefire Resources has wrapped up a 23-hole reverse circulation (RC) drilling campaign for a total advance of 2,754m. Grades up to 10.40 g/t gold have been intersected.
  • The explorer is anticipated to receive the pending assay results of drilling samples in the upcoming six weeks.
  • Surefire plans to undertake six oriented diamond drill holes over 800m HQ core and is anticipated to commence drilling in the upcoming weeks at the Yidby Gold Project.

Diversified mineral exploration company Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN) has shared the initial 4m composite gold assay results from the latest drilling campaigns at the wholly owned Yidby Road Gold Project.

A 23-hole reverse circulation (RC) drilling campaign for a total advance of 2,754m has been concluded. The drilling campaign aimed to test Magnetic Metals Ions (MMI) surface gold geochemistry anomalies. Assay results for two holes have been received. Grades up to 10.40 g/t gold have been intersected.

Source: SRN update 4 August 2022

Drill hole YBRC059 along with the previous drilling intercept in YBRC053 (8m @1.43g/t Au), indicated that gold mineralisation is contained within another major structure west of and parallel to the Yidby Road gold mineralisation, also known as the “Central Zone”.

The “Western Zone” lies 400m to the N-W of the Yidby gold deposit, substantially enhancing the gold footprint at the project. Significantly, the gold trend showcases large widths with stronger gold mineralisation within a halo.

Yidby Gold Project Source: Surefire Resources Update 4 August 2022

Surefire, through its model, foresees that the parallel gold mineralised zone, also known as the Central Zone, will showcase wide gold mineralised zones with localised higher gold grades as witnessed at the YBRC059 hole.

The drilling of MMI gold anomalies has confirmed the Surefire model and has outlined two different gold mineralisation styles at Yidby Road –

  1. Western Zone hosting Quartz Felsic Porphyry (QFP) intrusions

Wide and coherent gold mineralisation are associated with arsenopyrite on numerous porphyry intrusions at Yidby Road. The West zone has confirmed the presence of porphyry gold mineralisation at YBRC069. YBRC024 (56m @ 0.60g/t Au including 16m @ 1.34g/t Au) has also highlighted the presence of an additional parallel porphyry in the Western Zone.

  1. Central Zone featuring a N-W trending foliated mafic/ultramafics

YBRC059 (60m @ 1.04g/t Au including 4m @ 10.4g/t Au) hole intersected the Central Zone shear. Surefire considers the gold mineralisation to be contained within a broad north–west trending late stage foliated shear structure.

High grade gold results have been recorded in the intrafolial quartz veins. The Central Zone is believed to be parallel and identical to the Yidby Road Gold mineralised structure, 120m to the east. Currently, the Central Zone is recognised within YBRC059 and previously reported hole YBRC053 (8m @ 1.43g/t Au from 17m). The gold mineralisation is interpreted to remain open to the south.

Surefire is anticipated to receive the pending assay results of drilling samples in the upcoming six weeks.

Diamond drilling on the cards

Surefire plans to undertake six oriented diamond drill holes over 800m of HQ core. The drilling is likely to commence in the next 4 weeks at the Yidby Gold Project. The oriented diamond drilling will share invaluable data, re-alteration assemblages and structure that are necessary for a gold deposit with no outcropping mineralisation like Yidby. Therefore, Surefire considers Yidby as a blind gold discovery that is buried beneath 10 to 20m of transported overburden.


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