
Mount Burgess Mining (ASX:MTB) announces multicommodity Mineral Resource estimates for Kihabe Deposit

August 10, 2022 04:05 PM AEST | By Akshay
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  • Mount Burgess Mining has shared the 2012 JORC Code-compliant Mineral Resource estimate for the Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5 section of the polymetallic Kihabe Deposit.
  • Mineral resources were estimated to be 21 million tonnes at 2.04% Zn equivalent (equivalent grade calculated for Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5).
  • Samples from additional drilling will be assayed for Ga/Ge/Cu and are perceived to bring in additional potential credits for the project.

Moving forward on the Kihabe-Nxuu base metals project in Botswana, Mount Burgess Mining NL (ASX:MTB) has shared the 2012 JORC Code-compliant Mineral Resource estimate for the Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5 multicommodity section of the polymetallic Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5/Ga/Ge/Cu Kihabe Deposit.

The mineral resources were estimated to be 21 million tonnes at 2.04% Zn equivalent (equivalent-grade calculated for Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5) including 11.7 million tonnes of Indicated and 9.3 million tonnes of Inferred mineral resources at a cut-off grade of the 0.5% Zn equivalent grade. The estimated mineral resource contains over 321,000 tonnes Zn, 154,000 tonnes Pb, 5.4 million oz Ag and 10,000 tonnes V2O5.

Mineral Resource estimate for the Kihabe Polymetallic Deposit Source: MTB announcement 10 August 2022

Samples from additional drilling will be assayed for Ga/Ge/Cu and are perceived to bring in additional potential credits for the project. These minerals have so far not been included in the latest mineral resource estimate but may improve the economics of the mineral project further.

Geology and Geological Interpretation

The Kihabe deposit is located within a Neo-Proterozoic belt and comprises a 2.4km-long strike. The Kihabe deposit hosts SEDEX-style Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5/Ga/Ge/Cu mineralisation in the quartz wacke on the contact of a steeply dipping barren dolomite unit. 

At the Kihabe deposit, RC samples were collected at 1m intervals and were shared for assaying. Furthermore, diamond drilling was undertaken at the deposit. The selected RC samples were sent to the Ongopolo Laboratory in Namibia for assaying for V, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Pb and Bi. Diamond drilling samples were sent to the Genalysis Laboratory in Perth for assaying, using a four-acid digest and ICPMS/OES for Ag/Pb/Zn/Cu/V/Ge/Ga.

Mineralogical and Metallurgical Test Work progress

As for the oxide zone and the upper portion of the Transitional zone –

  • Zinc is hosted within oxide mineral Baileychlore, from which 97% Zn could be extracted using solvent extraction and electro-winning (SXEW).
  • Lead is hosted in sulphide mineral Galena, from which over 92% lead can be recovered via gravity separation producing flotation concentrates with 76% Pb.
  • V2O5 is hosted within oxide mineral Descloizite, from which 81% can be recovered.
  • Metallurgical test work for silver will be done once its mineral is identified.

In the Sulphide Zone and Lower Portions of the Transitional Zone:

  • Zinc is hosted within the sulphide mineral sphalerite, from which over 94% zinc can be recovered via gravity separation producing flotation concentrates with 58% Zn.
  • Lead is hosted in sulphide mineral Galena, from which over 92% lead can be recovered via gravity separation producing flotation concentrates with 76% Pb.

Mineral Resource Estimation

So far, only 7 out of 151 holes drilled at the Kihabe Deposit have been assayed for Ga and Ge, outlining the potential of substantial credits. Drill hole KDD201 had incepted continuous mineralisation of 91m with 12.6g/t Ga, while another hole, KDD203, recorded an intercept of 20m with 8g/t.

 Additional in-fill drilling and assaying for Ga and Ge are needed to include the minerals in the resource estimate. The NE section of the Kihabe Deposit hosts sections of Cu mineralisation. Additional, in-fill is believed to be required to confirm the continuity of Cu mineralisation to include copper in the mineral resource estimate.

Must Read: Skim through silver domains at Mount Burgess’ (ASX:MTB) Kihabe deposit


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