
Meet the team driving Black Canyon’s (ASX:BCA) progress in manganese market

July 28, 2022 01:40 PM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Black Canyon (ASX:BCA) is a Pilbara located manganese focused explorer with projects indicating significant exploration potential.
  • The company is currently advancing exploration and development programs at the flagship Flanagan Bore Manganese Project.
  • Manganese, an essential component in steel production, is a critical component of EV batteries.
  • BCA is led by a team of highly skilled professionals with a strong record of exploration success and project development execution.  

Western Australia-located Black Canyon Ltd (ASX:BCA) is a manganese explorer with projects located in the premier mining jurisdiction of the Eastern Pilbara. The Company’s projects have potential access to export infrastructure at Port Hedland. The project areas being explored are prospective for mineralisation similar to that of operating manganese mines at Woodie Woodie and Butcherbird.

BCA’s portfolio of projects indicates potential for developing minerals that are used dominantly in manganese alloys that direct feed into steel manufacturing as well as the rapidly emerging energy storage space in electric vehicles and as a result manganese is listed as critical mineral status by the US and Australian Governments.

For the upcoming 12 months, the Company intends to undertake exploration programs across its tenement portfolio, with a continued major focus on the flagship Flanagan Bore Project.

Currently the Company has completed exploration work activities to upgrade the resource confidence classification for the large 104Mt @ 10.5% Mn Mineral resource at Flanagan Bore from Indicated to Measured. They are also completing metallurgical testwork to support a Scoping Level economic evaluation. The company aims to complete the Flanagan Bore scoping study in Q3, which will be potentially followed by detailed feasibility and commencement of permitting process.

Given this backdrop, let us look at Black Canyon’s leadership team, which has been the driving force behind the company’s outstanding progress in leveraging new exploration and development opportunities.

Graham Ascough - Non-Executive Chairman

Mr Graham Ascough, Non-Executive Chairman of BCA, has over 30 years of experience as a resource executive and geophysicist. Throughout his career, Mr Ascough has been engaged in evaluating mineral projects and resources across Australia as well as overseas.

His broad industry engagements include leading roles in setting the strategic direction for major country-wide exploration programs and direct engagement with mining and exploration companies.

Besides his role at BCA, Mr Ascough is a Non-Executive Chairman of Musgrave Minerals Limited (ASX:MGV), Sunstone Metals Limited (ASX:STM) and PNX Metals Limited (ASX:PNX).    

Brendan Cummins - Executive Director

Mr Brendan Cummins is currently the Executive Director of BCA. He comes with more than 25 years of experience as a mine and exploration geologist.

During his past work engagements, Mr Cummins has been heavily engaged in exploration geology, resource definition, project evaluation and feasibility studies across precious metal, base metal, iron ore and industrial mineral projects across Australia as well as overseas jurisdictions.

He is also serving as Non-Executive Director of Askari Metals and consulting geologist to Strandline Resources Limited.

Simon Taylor - Non-Executive Director

As a geologist Mr Simon Taylor boasts a wealth of exploration, project assessment and development experience.

Armed with a total experience of over 25 years, Mr Taylor also serves as a Non-Executive Director of Stellar Resources Limited and Chesser Resources Limited. He is also  the Managing Director of Oklo Resources Limited.

Adrian Hill - Non-Executive Director

Mr Adrian Hill has more than 25 years of experience. Over the years, he has worked in Australia as well as internationally across strategic and finance roles in the resources, energy infrastructure and investment banking industries.

Mr Hill has a proven track record in operational management, strategy development, transaction management, investment analysis, capital raising as well as corporate structuring.

The high-calibre and richly experienced leadership team at BCA is backed by strong record of exploration success and project development execution. Thanks to the team’s strong background and broad range experience, the Company aims to accelerate its development activities and grow in the coming years.


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