
How EarlyBirds enables businesses to embrace cleantech innovations

May 25, 2022 11:50 AM AEST | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Businesses are showing increased inclination towards adopting cleantech solutions amid the economic disruption.
  • EarlyBirds’ open innovation ecosystem can help businesses fast-track innovation and find a solution to reduce emissions.
  • The EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem comprises 4 million+ innovators, the Explorer Program and the Challenger Program.

There is a worldwide consensus about the fact the planet Earth is in danger and that there is a need to work for a sustainable economy, which will protect the world from pollution, climate change, food waste, and diversity loss.

Businesses are witnessing a major push towards becoming increasingly responsible about environmental and social issues. Moreover, as a result of the pandemic, businesses have been showing an increasing inclination towards the adoption of cleantech solutions. This in turn, would help in developing and commercialising innovative technologies to help create fresh jobs, foster sustainable growth, and tackle the impending climate crisis.

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However, businesses today find themselves in a fix to ascertain the full potential/economic returns of embracing cleantech without a complete evaluation or testing of such solutions.

This can prove costly for businesses and substantially delay the application of clean technologies.

How can EarlyBirds help?

EarlyBirds is open to assisting businesses that understand the value of clean technology (cleantech) and help them successfully launch their own cleantech programs.

EarlyBirds, an Australia-based company, hosts an open innovation B2B ecosystem which provides a platform for early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) to come together and develop partnerships to fast-track technology advancement and adoption.

Cleantech comprises the measures that are taken to decrease or eliminate unfavourable environmental effects and enable better economic and social development. The aim of clean technologies is to minimise waste and pollution while boosting efficiency and productivity.

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EarlyBirds cleantech solution

Source: © Rawpixelimages | Megapixl.com

Businesses across the globe are now facing increasing pressure to attain their net-zero emission targets and adopt new technological innovations that offer low-carbon solutions.

Warning about a major climate crisis at the recent 12th Clean Energy Ministerial, Chile’s Minister of Energy, Mr Juan Carlos Jobet, urged companies to transform their energy systems and use cleantech.

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EarlyBirds’ solutions to tackle carbon emission

Climate change experts are contemplating the importance of mandating corporate disclosure to help reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, the dislocation in the economy due to COVID-19 and the urgent need to address emissions has stirred increased interest in cleantech.

EarlyBirds believes that its open innovation ecosystem can help businesses by connecting them with cleantech start-ups, scale-ups and cleantech service providers and SMEs.

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EarlyBirds can help businesses through its open innovation ecosystem, which comprises three key parts:

  • The globally leading and awarded platform having more than 4 million start-up, scale-up, and mature innovators from almost every business and technology sector.
  • The Explorer program for speeding up technological innovation for the business as a service that also offers vital features.
  • The Challenger program designed for those who prefer to focus on a single specific business issue at a time.

EarlyBirds cleantech solution

Source: EarlyBirds

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Besides this, EarlyBirds also provides the Edzility framework which empowers businesses to have a better competitive edge and organisation-wide agility.

Through the EarlyBirds platform, businesses can find suitable cleantech innovators which can offer the right solutions and services and help them bring their cleantech programs and plans into reality.

Notably, businesses can utilise the EarlyBirds platform to test and try cleantech solutions and find the most suitable, robust and cost-effective solutions for their business.

If you are interested in learning more about the Early Birds Marketplace and the ways it can help companies adopt and launch clean technologies, you can visit the EarlyBirds website.  


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