
Allup Silica’s (ASX:APS) Sparkler project on fast track with positive metallurgical results

May 27, 2022 10:07 AM AEST | By Nitish Kumar
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  • Initial round of metallurgical testwork on samples from the Sparkler Silica Exploration Project shows potential for a high-quality silica sand product.
  • SiO2 grades of 99.5% to 99.8% were achieved during the conventional testwork.
  • Allup will carry out additional drilling, bulk sampling, and further detailed testwork on the project.

Allup Silica Limited (ASX:APS) is charging ahead with encouraging metallurgical testwork results from the Sparkler Silica Sands Exploration Project.

The Sparkler project (formerly known as Unicup Silica Exploration Project) covers three granted exploration licences E70/5447 (Sparkler A), E70/5527 (Sparkler B) and E70/5920 (Sparkler C). The project is located approximately 300km south of the capital city of Perth in the south-western region of Western Australia, which has well-established infrastructure and is well connected via all-weather sealed highways and major roads.

The Sparker Silica Exploration Project currently holds an Inferred Mineral Resource of 73Mt at 96.6% SiO2

Related read: Eye on hot silica sand market, Allup Silica charged up to advance WA assets

Tenement location map (Image source: Company update, 16 May 2022)

Metallurgical testwork indicates potential for high-quality silica sand product

Allup collected bulk samples from four drill holes within the Sparkler A Project for carrying out the preliminary metallurgical testwork. The objective was to further assess the potential to generate a high-quality silica sand product from the quartz sands intersected. The test samples were collected from 0-20m depths from the surface.

Perth-based Nagrom Metallurgical Laboratory conducted the lab testworks. The results were reviewed by metallurgical consultants Battery Limits for the preparation of the Independent Metallurgical Report.

Related read: Key facts about silica sand explorerz

Image source: Company presentation, Data source: Company update, 16 May 2022

The testwork results indicate that the Sparkler A Silica Exploration Project has the potential to produce a high-quality silica sand product.

Also read: Allup Silica gears up for ASX listing, funds to fire up WA projects

What’s next?

Bulk sampling, process flowsheet development, prospective product yield estimation, product specification, and variability testing will be carried out in the next phases.

These are needed for a better understanding of the potential value of the silica in the Sparkler Project, as well as the ore variability and requirements for process design.

Micrographs of the product after magnetic separation test work (Image source: Company update, 16 May 2022)

The target regions of the Sparkler Silica Exploration Project are located on private land. The land was earlier used for commercial plantation forest but has since been removed. The high-grade pure quartz silica sand is estimated to be the part of mid to late Eocene Werillup Formation, which consists of alluvial river sands and gravel.

Also read: Who’s at the helm of Allup Silica: Meet the leadership team

APS shares last traded at AU$0.1850 on 26 May 2022.


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