
What is Allup (ASX:APS) doing to advance Sparkler silica sand project?

January 16, 2023 02:40 PM AEDT | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • Allup has developed a strategy based on investigating several project areas, each with its own set of logistics and port options
  • Sparkler C Project has returned high-grade assay results with average raw materials surface grade of 98.8% silicon dioxide
  • The company intends to continue with aircore drilling and metallurgical beneficiation testwork with a view to expanding the project

ASX-listed silica sand exploration firm Allup Silica (ASX:APS) is guided by its mission to develop and ultimately produce silica mineral resources. The company is directing all its efforts towards developing a commercial silica sand product that meets the industry specifications for the photovoltaic and other related modern industries.

Allup started trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on the 2nd of May 2022. Post listing on the ASX, the company undertook exploration programs at several of its key tenements, intending to identify the best prospects to advance. Currently, the company’s project sites are in the tier 1 mining regions of the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

Commercial strategy of Allup

The Board of Allup has developed a clear commercial strategy for the company. The strategy is based on evaluating asset locations, each with access to ports and logistics. Currently, the company has multiple projects in proximity to four Western Australian port locations: Wyndham, Bunbury, Albany, and Esperance and another port location at Darwin in the Northern Territory.  

Allup’s recent update relates to high-grade silica sand results from auger drilling at its Sparkler C project.

Overview of Sparkler C Project

Image source: Company update

Image description: Location Map of Sparkler Silica Sand Exploration Project area

The Sparkler C is one of the three granted tenements that combine to make up the Sparkler Silica Sand Exploration Project, the company's maiden asset.  

Situated in the southwestern region of Western Australia, the project is nearly 150km from the Albany Port and about 300km south of the capital city of Perth.

High-grade assay results

The Sparkler C project returned high-grade assay results with an average raw materials surface grade of 98.8% silicon dioxide (SiO2) during hand auger drilling. Further, auger samples have identified high-purity silica sand to depths of 2.4m with the potential for premium 99.5% Silica (SiO2) and sub-100ppm iron in the form of ferric oxide (Fe2O3) silica sands once processed from its raw state.

Image source: Company update

Image description: Hand Auger drill hole locations and assay SiO2 from raw material

Allup conducted the hand auger drilling program as part of its hunt for potential areas with high-purity silica sands at its Sparkler Silica Sand Exploration Project.

Source: company update

Sparkler C is situated in the same area as Sparkler A, which had metallurgical beneficiation testwork results at (an average of) 99.7% SiO2 and 84ppm Fe2O3. These are the grades suitable for glass used in the photovoltaic (solar panel) industry.

What’s next?

Following the results, the company plans to continue with aircore drilling and full metallurgical beneficiation testwork with a view to expanding its Sparkler Silica Sand Exploration Project, looking for more suitable silica sand in addition to the 70Mt Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate at Sparkler A.



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