
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) confirms further uranium mineralisation at Saraya

April 11, 2024 12:58 PM AEST | By Sonal Goyal
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  • Samples from the final 19 RC drill holes have been sent for assaying.
  • Concentration of uranium anomalies delineated from this drilling ranges from as low as 28 ppm eU3O8 to as high as 4647 ppm eU3O8 .
  • Auger drilling will continue on termite mound anomalies at Saraya East, Saraya South, and Diobi.

Haranga Resources Limited (ASX: HAR) has released progressive pXRF results of reverse circulation (RC) drilling concluded at its Saraya uranium project. Samples from the final 19 RC holes have been finalised and transported for assaying to ALS laboratories, Canada.

Background of RC drilling at Saraya Prospect

The company kicked off RC drilling at the Saraya deposit in December 2023.The program saw completion of two holes at Saraya and one at Diobi.

Following a break at the year end, drilling resumed in February 2024 to finalise the program aimed at confirming data for the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) upgrade. The MRE completion is anticipated after metallurgical testwork and ore characterisation, currently conducted by SGS Lakefield, Canada.

The RC drilling program at Saraya is now complete, with samples collected and en route to ALS Canada for assay. All samples underwent initial processing on-site, with those showing anomalous responses tested further using the company’s pXRF technology. pXRF assists in indicating drilling intercept widths.

xPRF results confirm further uranium mineralisation at Saraya

Further uranium mineralisation has been confirmed from near surface over wide zones at Saraya.

The significant intersections include –

  • 36m @ 913ppm eU3O8 from 39m in 24-SAR-RC-010, including 14m @ 1700ppm eU3O8 from 45m;
  • 12m @ 725ppm eU3O8 from 9m in 24-SAR-RC-011, including 9m @ 896ppm eU3O8 from 10m;
  • 9m @ 844ppm eU3O8 from 27m in 24-SAR-RC-011, including 6m @ 1159ppm eU3O8 from 29m;
  • 19m @ 554ppm eU3O8 from 15m in 24-SAR-RC-012, including 7m @ 801ppm eU3O8 from 26m;
  • 11m @ 561ppm eU3O8 from 28m in 24-SAR-RC-013, including 8m @ 703ppm eU3O8 from 28m;
  • 47m @ 395ppm eU3O8 from 124m in 24-SAR-RC-023, Including 1 m @ 537ppm eU3O8 from 144m

The concentration for the uranium anomalism identified from this drilling varies from 28 ppm eU3O8 to 4647 ppm eU3O8. These findings slightly surpass the results obtained from the initial 9 RC holes, yet they align with the anticipated values based on the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 12.4 Mt @ 587 ppm eU3O8 for 16.1 Mlbs.

The definitive grades for these drill intercepts will be ascertained through assay.

Click here for initial pXRF results.

Significant anomalism at Sanela: At Sanela, six holes were drilled spanning across 842m. Significant anomalism has been reported in five out of six holes.

The most notable of these was an 8m interval with a uranium concentration of 351 ppm eU3O8 starting from a depth of 35m, including a 3m section with a uranium concentration of 583 ppm eU3O8from a depth of 40m, found in hole 24-SAR-RC-019.

Overall, the drilling at Sanela revealed 17m of significant anomalous intercepts, with an average indicated concentration of 300 ppm eU3O8 and reaching a peak of 750 ppm eU3O8.

Auger drilling and MRE upgrade

The auger rig will be redeployed to Diobi, Mandankoly, and Sanela to conduct additional testing of the anomalies observed at these deposits. While priority will be given to Sanela, further exploration is required at all deposits to ascertain the origin and extent of the detected uranium anomalies.

Termite mound sampling programs, both regional and infill, are in progress, with regional sampling expected to conclude in Q2 across the entire permit area.

Metallurgical testing of the Saraya drill core composite bulk sample is underway at SGS Lakefield in Canada. The initial batch of results has been released, and the subsequent leach tests results will be disclosed upon receipt.

Additionally, the company plans to collaborate with the resource consultant to explore the possibility of upgrading the resource category based on the initial metallurgical findings.

HAR shares traded at AU$0.120 apiece at the time of writing on 11 April 2024.


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