
Altech Chemicals (ASX:ATC) updates on progress at Silumina AnodesTM project

February 07, 2023 12:45 PM AEDT | By Shwetambri Chauhan
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  • Altech Chemicals (ASX:ATC) continues to develop a 10,000tpa silicon/graphite alumina coating plant in Saxony to supply its Silumina AnodesTM product to the burgeoning European electric vehicle market.
  • The construction of Silumina AnodesTM pilot plant project is progressing well and as planned.
  • Altech expects to wrap up the installation and commissioning of the final items for the pilot plant by Q3.
  • Also, the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the full-scale 10,000tpa plant is advancing well.

Altech Chemicals Limited (ASX: ATC, FRA: A3Y) has today updated the market on its Silumina AnodesTM project in Germany.

The construction of the Silumina AnodesTM pilot plant is progressing well and as planned. The pilot plant is situated adjacent to the land owned by Altech for its proposed 10,000tpa plant, and is designed to enable the qualification process for the Silumina AnodesTM product. This technology involves incorporating high-capacity high-purity alumina-coated silicon and graphite in lithium-ion batteries.

Altech also provided a progress update on the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the planned full-scale 10,000tpa Silumina AnodesTM plant.

Shares gain over 2%

Triggered by the update, ATC shares jumped 2.127% to trade at AU$0.096 midday on 7 February 2023.

Silumina AnodesTM pilot plant project progressing well

Altech aims to produce 120kg per day of the Silumina AnodesTM product at the pilot plant. This product will then be supplied to selected potential end users for product testing. 

The wet circuit or the front end of the pilot plant is progressing well with work related to power supply, building modifications and necessary infrastructure largely completed. Also, the commissioning of the front end of the pilot plant is currently underway.

Altech also updated that fabrication of the back end of the pilot plant, including dryer and calciner, is underway in South Africa and Europe.

The Company expects to wrap up the installation and commissioning of the final items for the pilot plant by Q3.

Image source: ATC update

Silumina AnodesTM plant DFS

Altech has already completed the phase 1 process definition as part of the DFS for the planned 10,000tpa Silumina AnodesTM plant.

The Company has updated on the completion of the mass and energy balance, facilitating the progression of layouts and sourcing of production-scale vendor equipment to commence.

Altech has engaged ARIKON Infrastruktur GmbH to handle the application process and work with relevant regulatory bodies to obtain necessary permits and licences. ARIKON has also been tasked to design the site infrastructure requirements for the site.

A preliminary feasibility study for the construction of the full-scale plant has indicated a net present value (NPV) of US$507 million.

Overview of Silumina AnodesTM Battery Materials Project

The independent Norwegian Centre of International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO) has awarded green accreditation to the project.

Data source: ATC update

Altech Industries Germany GmbH has executed NDAs with two German automakers as well as a European based battery company.

Altech highlights that it is in the race to get its patented, game-changing technology to market.  


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