Popular coins for 2023: Orbeon Protocol (ORBN), Big Eyes (BIG) and Tamadoge (TAMA) - Kalkine Media

December 19, 2022 12:04 PM AEDT | By Richard Anderson (Guest)
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Meme coins Big Eyes (BIG) and Tamadoge (TAMA) remain firm, furry favorites with investors due in part to their “meme coin plus” functionality. Meanwhile, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN), currently in Phase 2 of its presale, has already seen a 260% price increase since the start of presale. Read on to learn why these three newcomers should all be on your watchlist.

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) surges ahead

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) believes that everyone should have the opportunity to invest in exciting new business ventures - not just the big VC and asset management companies. Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) plans to transform the traditional funding model by minting new business ventures into NFTs, which it then fractionalizes. Investment opportunities suddenly become possible for millions of everyday investors, with stakes from just US$1.

Investors have the chance to invest in businesses at an early stage, plus the Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) ecosystem gives them an advanced, cost-effective platform – including a wallet and an exchange – to handle all their cryptocurrency and NFT needs.

Several unique offers are available for Orbeon Protocol’s token holders. ORBN tokens power the platform, allowing users to earn passive income by staking shares, voting on upcoming projects, and having priority access to upcoming funding rounds.

With the Phase 1 presale successfully completed, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) continues to surge ahead. Investors can now buy into the ORBN Phase 2 prelaunch at US$0.014. However, there are analyst predictions of a US$0.24 launch price.

Big Eyes (BIG): One to watch

Big Eyes (BIG) has caused quite a stir in the meme coin market. With its cuddly kitty image, focus on additional DeFi applications, and commitment to helping to save the oceans, many observers believe that Big Eyes (BIG) has a very bright future. But is the hype justified?

Well, if the prelaunch so far is anything to go by, then yes, the fanfare around Big Eyes (BIG) is warranted. With the first five stages sold out, Stage 6 (of 15) of the Big Eyes (BIG) prelaunch is now available at US$0.00028. That represents an advance, but not a huge one, on the initial price of US$0.0001.

In some respects, meme coins are all the same, relying on their image, popularity, and community loyalty for success. But when you start to factor in additional functionality - like Big Eyes (BIG) has done - they become more attractive. Should you be watching Big Eyes (BIG)?

Tamadoge (TAMA) takes the lead

Like Big Eyes (BIG), Tamadoge (TAMA) wants to be more than just a meme coin. But Tamadoge (TAMA) has taken a different route, with additional P2E functionality, as opposed to Big Eyes’ (BIG) focus on DeFi apps.

Tamadoge’s innovative approach has definitely struck a chord with investors. After a successful prelaunch, Tamadoge (TAMA) came to market in October 2022 at US$0.0022, a figure that swiftly rose to US$0.1917. Since then, it’s fallen back to just above the launch price, but in a bear market, that performance looks impressive.

Can Tamadoge (TAMA) replicate some of the spectacular returns achieved by its inspiration, Dogecoin (DOGE)? Maybe no company could, but an increasing number of investors believe that Tamadoge (TAMA) still has the potential to take the lead in the meme coin sector. And that makes it one to watch.

Despite all the recent market upheavals, there are still many great investment opportunities in the crypto space. What’s more, history teaches us that most markets invariably recover. For those reasons, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN), Big Eyes (BIG) and Tamadoge (TAMA) should all be on your watchlist.

Find out more about the Orbeon Protocol presale at https://orbeonprotocol.com/.

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