Expert Views from 3 ASX-Listed Minerals and Battery Space Players

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Topic: Expert Views from 3 ASX-Listed Minerals and Battery Space Players
Date & Time: in Australia
Webinar Id: 85804855026

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About The Webinar:

The global transition to clean energy has now become an important aspect to change our lives for the better. We have set ambitious goals for reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, expecting a quick penetration of the clean energy concept across diverse applications. 

But, to support clean energy transition, there arises the need to ensure better solutions along the supply chain as vast quantities of critical minerals are needed for clean energy generation. The companies involved in providing specialty minerals, such as lithium and uranium, have to match the pace and scale up their operations to cater to the increasing global demand for zero-emission energy sources.

With that piece of information, let’s shift our focus on companies that are supporting this transition with their advancements in the materials sector.  Watch Managing Director of Tempest Minerals Mr. Don Smith, Managing Director of Altech Batteries Mr. Iggy Tan and Non-Executive Director of Haranga Resources Mr. John Davis share their plans and outlook in Invest Nest Webinar by Kalkine Media. 

Mark your calendars for August 5th to hear from these experts. 

Hurry, register now to book your seat.


Mr. John Davis

Non- Executive Director, Haranga Resources

Mr. Don Smith

Managing Director, Tempest Minerals

Mr. Iggy Tan

Managing Director, Altech Batteries

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