Telecom Giant in Focus: How the Upcoming Election Could Boost Media Revenue

September 17, 2024 10:01 AM PDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • Political campaigns in 2024 are expected to invest over $10.7 billion in advertising, benefiting various media channels.
  • Warren Buffett's portfolio includes a telecommunications company that stands to gain from this surge in political advertising.
  • Media companies, especially those involved in traditional broadcasting, could see increased revenue from election-related spending.

In recent years, the technology industry has been buzzing with excitement over the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). From software to semiconductor chips and robots, many technology stocks have reaped significant rewards from this technological revolutionHowever, not all successful ventures in tech are tied to AI

Telecommunications, for instance, has long been a cornerstone of the tech world, though it may not seem as thrilling as cutting-edge innovationsWith the rise of streaming services and the commoditization of internet service providers (ISPs) and cable operators, some may wonder if the telecom sector still holds appealDespite these changes, there’s one communications company backed by Warren Buffett that deserves attention, especially with the U.Spresidential election just around the corner.

Political advertising has always played a pivotal role in elections, and 2024 is no differentBack in December, estimates suggested that around $10.2 billion would be spent on political ads during this election cycleThat figure has now been revised upwards to $10.7 billion, highlighting the immense scale of advertising dollars at play.

While many may assume that most political campaigns are pouring their budgets into digital platforms like YouTube, Google, Instagram, and Facebook, traditional media outlets continue to command a significant portion of political ad spendingFor instance, those watching live sports often notice logos and sponsorships embedded within the games themselves, reflecting how advertisers can permeate various aspects of media.

Politics, much like business, is about branding and visibilityCandidates invest heavily in creating campaign materials that reach voters through mail, billboards, radio, and—most notably—televisionThis election cycle is expected to further cement media companies as major beneficiaries of this advertising surge.

As the election approaches, media organizations are set to benefit from the substantial advertising dollars being spentOne telecom company within Warren Buffett’s portfolio is poised to gain from this boost, particularly through its involvement in media-related activitiesThis presents a unique opportunity within the communications industry as political campaigns ramp up their efforts to connect with voters across various platforms.


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