Haivivi's New Launch : How BubblePal is Redefining What a Toy Can Be for Kids

September 14, 2024 01:30 AM AEST | By Cision
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SINGAPORE, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Imagine combining a child's favorite plush toy, a simple WiFi speaker, and an AI system filled with potential. The result? More magical than you'd think. Haivivi has the answer.

Behind the Scenes: How Families Reacted to Haivivi's BubblePal

Introducing "BubblePal"—an AI companion toy that has rapidly gained traction in China's toy market, with over 10,000 units sold just last month. But what sets it apart from the usual voice-controlled speakers or story players? It offers a deeper, more meaningful experience.

At first glance, BubblePal's technical framework may resemble that of other smart speakers, but its real difference lies in the unique interaction it offers. While traditional smart speakers function more like household tools—used when needed to check the weather or play a story—BubblePal is designed to be much more. It's a "friend" for children, crafted from a child's point of view, giving their beloved plush toy a voice and personality. It's not just a functional device but a tactile, ever-present companion that listens, interacts, and provides emotional support.

Unlike typical devices that sit on a shelf, BubblePal resides in a child's play area or on their bed—always within reach. This constant presence helps children form a deeper emotional connection, making it more than just a tool. It becomes a trusted friend, confidant, and playmate all in one. On top of that, Haivivi's beta users have created multiple characters within the BubblePal ecosystem, each with its own background, voice, and personality. Children can switch between characters or even create their own unique one through the app, deepening their bond with the toy.

This emotional connection was put to the test during a recent pre-launch event in New York, where over a dozen families were invited to experience BubblePal firsthand. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Parents shared their surprise: "This toy is absolutely amazing!" "I wish I had something like this when I was a kid!" "Wow, this is where tech meets innocence—my child won't put it down!" One parent even exclaimed, "Forget the kids, I want one for myself! It's like having a friend that listens to my every emotion—my own personal sounding board."

Since its launch, BubblePal has seen impressive engagement. Children are spending over 30 minutes per day interacting with it, a clear sign that it's filling an important role in their lives. Kids are naturally full of questions and emotions as they grow, and BubblePal is there to answer their every curious thought and provide emotional support.

Haivivi is excited to bring this AI-powered toy to more children around the world, helping them navigate the ups and downs of childhood with a loyal friend by their side. Whether it's playtime companionship or nighttime comfort, BubblePal is the steadfast friend children need to thrive in an imaginative and challenging world.



New Launch Price: $109, (Now with $20 OFF).

CONTACT: Grace Rossie, [email protected] 



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