Guo Wei's Harvard Speech: Pursuing conscience, Leading the digital Future

April 15, 2024 04:36 PM EEST | By Cision

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "Telling the U.S.-China Story", on April 14, Guo Wei, chairman of Digital China, took the podium at the closing ceremony of the 27th Harvard College China Forum. He shared with Harvard students and guests the unique sentiment about pursuing conscience, sticking to the original intentions, and relentlessly promoting the innovation and development of the digital economy.

At the beginning of his speech, Guo Wei shared two stories. He said: at the just concluded 96th Academy Awards ceremony, "Oppenheimer" won seven awards, triggered a global heat, for a scientist's conscience. The film's protagonist under great pressure but still adhere to the original heart. Coincidentally, this year's Chinese New Year film "Article 20" has also been widely welcomed. This film tells the story of a prosecutor who, under great pressure, maintains his inner goodness and commitment to public justice, promoting  fairness and justice of the law. As an institution that trains world-class leaders, one of Harvard University's mottos is VERITAS, which can be translated as the pursuit of truth and the pursuit of conscience. The pursuit of conscience should be the starting point for anyone to do anything, which is a particularly important thing in today's world. Future world leaders must adhere to their conscience to make the world a better place

Over the past 25 years, thanks to the inspiration of the management system concept of Professor McFarland at Harvard University, and the guidance of Professor Nolan, Guo Wei has led Digital China on a firm path toward serving the digital transformation of enterprises. Today, Digital China has progressed from the periphery to the mainstream, from the mainstream to the forefront, becoming the only company in China that can provide any enterprise with an overall framework for digital transformation. This framework assist enterprises in transitioning from traditional IT to cloud, advancing to data governance, and further to the iterative development of AI applications, and providing a complete toolbox for enterprise digital transformation. It is precisely because of Digital China's commitment over more than 20 years to staying true to its original mission and continuously advancing that it has achieved today's success and recognition on the international stage.

At the end of the speech, Guo shared the classic poem of Master Huineng, the sixth ancestor of Zen Buddhism - "Bodhi has no tree, a mirror is not a platform, there is nothing, where to cause dust." He also recounted  the story of how the fifth ancestor passed on his teaching to the sixth ancestor during the spread of Buddhism in China. Additionally he imparted to the Harvard students: everyone needs to understand and discover their true nature, remain true to their original intentions, persevere, and eventually achieve success.


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