Accelerating Energy Transition for Greener ICT | Huawei Global Digital Power Forum Held Successfully

February 27, 2024 07:46 PM AEDT | By Cision
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BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei Global Digital Power Forum, under the theme of "Accelerating Energy Transition for Greener ICT", was held during MWC Barcelona 2024. Leading operators, industry leaders, and industry experts from around the world attended the event to share cutting-edge views, latest insights, and successful practices of the global energy industry, accelerating the energy transition for greener ICT.

At the event, Charles Yang, Senior Vice President of Huawei and President of Global Marketing and Sales services Dept, Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Enabling Operator Success Amid the Global Transition to Carbon Neutrality". He stressed that carbon neutrality has shifted from a global consensus to a global action. Decarbonization, electrification, digitization, and intelligence are emerging as the four key paths for energy evolution and transformation.

In turn, these challenges drive operators to transform from energy consumers only to energy consumers, producers, and enablers. As energy consumers, they can utilize innovative technologies that enable each watt to power more bits, achieving more efficient energy consumption. As energy producers, they can consume green electricity they generate by deploying distributed PV systems at sites and campuses. Besides, with energy storage systems at sites, they can set up a virtual power plant (VPP), which supports peak shaving and frequency regulation for power grids. As energy enablers, they can use bits to manage watts. That is, they can use digital technologies to improve efficiency and ensure energy stability in both conventional and renewable energy systems.

Li Shaolong, President of Site Power Domain, Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Intelligent Site Power, A Key Enabler for Green and Low-carbon Network". For energy consumers, Huawei aims to develop end-to-end efficient power solutions to help operators build green and low-carbon networks, therefore reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) to a great extent possible in 4G/5G network construction. For energy producers, Huawei strives to advance the energy transition for greener operators by facilitating green energy production through PV deployment. On top of that, auxiliary electricity services, including leveraging intelligent energy storage resources in VPPs, help operators save energy and increase revenue.

Sanjay Kumar Sainani, SVP&CTO of Global Data Center Business, Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled "SmartDC Solution Helps Operators Transform and Upgrade". The new era poses challenges such as high reliability, high density, high system complexity, and fast service rollout. In response to these, Huawei, with the fusion of the integrated power system, distributed cooling system, and prefabricated deployment, innovatively builds the green, simple, smart, and reliable (GSSR) SmartDC large data center solution as strong computing infrastructure to facilitate the energy transition for greener operators, as part of its efforts to power the digital world.

Yang Bifei, Vice President of Data Center Facility & Critical Power, Product Line, Huawei Digital Power, released the Site Power & Data Center Facility White Paper.

The Forum was a destination for industry experts to share their cutting-edge viewpoints and successful practices. Kyriakos Exadaktylos, Head of Network Architecture Specifications and Energy Performance, Vodafone Group Technology, shared his insights through "Vodafone Energy Flexibility via Distributed Energy Storage System". Moussa YARO, CTO of Orange Mali, gave a speech on "Green Intelligent Site". Anthony Gacanja, Director of Safaricom Network, shared a successful case by "Large DC Facilitate ICT Service Transformation". Mauro Leuce, Director of Design & Engineering, Colt Global, and Henry Daunert, CEO of AQ Compute, also shared their precious stories.

"Future First", as the theme of MWC Barcelona 2024, demonstrates our vision to steer the industry towards a more innovative future. Huawei will continue to invest in innovation, integrate digital and power electronics technologies, and join hands with global partners to accelerate the energy transition for greener ICT, building a better, greener future.


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