Disinformation Register: Debunking mistruths about 2022 Australian federal election  

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 Disinformation Register: Debunking mistruths about 2022 Australian federal election  
Image source: © Convisum | Megapixl.com

Time and again, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has been taking stringent measures to keep a check on electoral disinformation. It is in action yet again. The Commission recently launched a Disinformation Register to strengthen its combat against mistruths and false information about polls. It is a significant measure to hold free, fair and secure electoral processes and prevent the development of a misleading electoral environment in Australia.

What is Disinformation Register?

The Disinformation Register is a searchable database of misleading information discovered by the AEC about the federal election processes. The register has various examples of incorrect information that was spread on online platforms in late-2021 and early 2022.

It will also provide details about the action taken in response.

The AEC will keep adding every piece of disinformation that it will find with details about the platform it was spread on, the timing, the right information regarding the matter and the actions taken to correct the record.

The officials will update the register regularly until the 2022 federal polls are completed.

AEC: The Election Taskforce

AU Elections 2022

Image source: © PX_Media | Megapixl.com

When it comes to the election process in Australia, the AEC is the authoritative body to defend Australia’s democracy in all respects. The AEC ensures voters are part of an independent and impartial electoral system by offering efficient delivery of polling services, active electoral roll management, and targeted education and public awareness programs. It scans through the various aspects of the electoral process and ensures fair conduct of federal electoral events.

What was the need to introduce Disinformation Register?

Any kind of deceptive information about the election process can cause a major damage to public trust. The Disinformation Register has been launched with the objective to put an end to the spread of mis or disinformation about the electoral system. It will ensure that information about the electoral process reaching masses is accurate, trustworthy, and actively protected across platforms.

However, the AEC has clarified that ‘it is not the arbiter of truth when it comes to political communication. It does not seek to censor political debate in any way'.

Differentiating between Fake and Fact

Image source: © Etiamos | Megapixl.com

A remark by Australian Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers:
“The Australian vote belongs to all Australians and there is freedom of political communication. However, if you spread incorrect information about the processes we run – deliberately or otherwise – we’ll correct you.

He further said, “Scrutiny is important, but it must be well informed. Australian elections are too important to let these things go through to the keeper, especially when people aren’t acting in good faith.”


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