- Raiden Resources (ASX:RDN|DAX:YM4) has intercepted further wide and shallow nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation in an additional five drill holes at the Mt Sholl project.
- The company is highly encouraged by the consistency of the mineralisation at the B2 deposit as all nine drill holes drilled to date have intercepted mineralisation.
- Raiden has in addition commenced drilling at the B1 deposit and plans to drill at the A1 deposit after the completion of drilling at B2.
Diversified mineral explorer Raiden Resources Limited (ASX:RDN|DAX:YM4) has announced additional encouraging results from its drilling program at the flagship Ni-Cu-Co-PGE Mt Sholl project.
The company has intercepted broad and shallow Ni-Cu sulphide mineralisation on the B2 deposit. A further five drill holes (from Hole 22B2DD005 to Hole 22B2DD009) on the B2 deposit have hit more visual massive, semi-massive, and disseminated sulphide mineralisation.
The latest set of results along with the previously reported encouraging outcomes from the four drill holes mark the mineralisation consistency of the company’s B2 deposit.
The presence of pentlandite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite are logged in the intersections with medium-grained dolerite as the host lithology in holes 2B2DD005, 07 and 08.
Source: Company’s update
Summary of mineralised intervals
The drill holes with their major intervals and the corresponding sulphide percentage (visual estimate) are shown below:
- Hole 22B2DD005: Pyrrhotite, Chalcopyrite & Pentlandite as disseminated mineralisation from 26.2 to 54.0 metres in a 8 metres zone with ~12% sulphide.
- Hole 22B2DD006: Pyrrhotite, Chalcopyrite & Pentlandite mineralisation from 54.4 to 89.5 metres in a 1 metres intercept with ~9% sulphide containing bands of massive sulphide.
- Hole 22B2DD007: Pyrrhotite & Pentlandite with minor Chalcopyrite mineralisation from 30.0 to 53.75 metres. The visual estimate of sulphide percentage stood at ~4%, along with the presence of a band of massive sulphide.
- Hole 22B2DD008: Pyrrhotite, Chalcopyrite & Pentlandite mineralisation from 105.45 to 125.0 metres in a 55 metres intercept with ~6% sulphide and massive sulphide bands.
- Hole 22B2DD009: Pyrrhotite, Chalcopyrite & Pentlandite from 22.7 to 62.0 metres in a 3 metres intercept with ~3% sulphide with the presence of a band of semi-massive sulphide.
Overview of Mt Sholl Ni-Cu-PGE Project
Mt Sholl is the company's flagship Ni-Cu-PGE Project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The project overlies the consolidated tenements spreading in over 42km2 of land area.
The region was extensively surface sampled by various companies from the early 1970s to 2016 via airborne geophysical surveying and drilling to evaluate its potential.
For further insights into the Mt Sholl Ni-Cu-PGE Project, click here.
Raiden’s next steps
As part of the ongoing drilling at the project, Raiden has kicked off drilling at the B1 deposit. The drilling at the A1 deposit is to be initiated upon completion of the B2 drilling.